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Voice Over for Education & E-Learning

Whether for online courses, training modules, or educational videos, our voice-overs make learning more effective and enjoyable. Let us help you create an impactful learning experience with a voice that speaks directly to your audience.

Join over 1,000 State, Federal, and Education companies who trust their voice over with us

At Edge Studio, we provide high-quality:

  • E-learning & testing audio narration, voice over, skit sound design, page-turn beeps, and music for educational content.
  • We produce it in over 50 languages, with native speakers, from our US-based studios.

Maybe it’s time to spell it “Edge-ucation” voice over!

After recording thousands of modules, videos, standardized tests, and self-paced exams… for international businesses, non-profits, and government agencies, you’ll be in super good hands!

Click and we'll reach out.

E-Learning & Education projects recorded at Edge Studio

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)

Sometimes clients need something very unique. A project recorded with very specific direction. Something that requires a team of voice actors, directors, engineers, ... Project Details »

Rosetta Stone – Haitian Creole

Rosetta Stone initially contacted us for language learning programs to be recorded in one language. That was the beginning of a terrific relationship in which we've ... Project Details »

Microsoft – Online Tutorial

Recording Microsoft online tutorials requires a set of straightforward production elements: Select a voice actor who can convey clarity, who can easily be understood by ... Project Details »

Alphabet of Earth

Over the years, we've recorded many projects for the Smithsonian - spanning numerous media and for numerous applications. This one was for a ... Project Details »

Merriam-Webster – Latin American Spanish Dictionary

Given our experience recording thousands of long-form voice over projects, recording pronunciation guides for other dictionaries, and recording in numerous ... Project Details »

When wanted to update their online pronunciations, they turned to us. Because what was seemingly an easy job was really quite complex - and ... Project Details »

E-Learning scripting & Content development

To complement our audio services, Kurricula, our UK-based eLearning content development studio, offers comprehensive content creation, scripting, and course development services.

With an impressive range of talent and a diverse portfolio of courses, Kurricula delivers engaging and effective e-learning experiences tailored to your specific needs. With over 9 years of experience, an impressive range of talent, and a diverse portfolio of courses, Kurricula delivers engaging and effective e-learning experiences tailored to your specific needs.

Quality is crucial. Audiences unconsciously compare your program’s recording quality to national TV ads, setting a high benchmark. If your audio falls short, it can undermine the credibility of your program. Fortunately, Edge Studio also records national ads, so we understand what meets and exceeds public expectations. We ensure your recordings are of the highest quality, avoiding any doubts in the public’s ears.

Together, Edge Studio and Kurricula provide a seamless and comprehensive solution for all your e-learning needs. Experience the combined expertise of our teams and elevate your training programs to new heights!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create impactful e-learning experiences.


Training course development. With script writing in 50+ languages

E-learning Scripting
From project management to proofreading, and localization translation.  Education and standardized testing modules are custom-created by our team.

Further E-Learning Services
We offer all kinds of eLearning services including:

  • Concept-to-Completion Development
  • Learning Needs Analysis and Evaluation
  • Hand-Drawn Bespoke Animation
  • Storyboarding
  • Storyline and Rise builds
  • Video Production and Editing
  • Writing and Editing

Here are the 27 Types of E-Learning we work in

  • Safety videos (fire safety, disaster preparedness, occupational safety, HIPAA,…)
  • Sexual harassment training
  • Workplace violence
  • Antidiscrimination and diversity training
  • Compliance & proficiency education
  • How-to & DIY videos
  • Tutorials
  • Standardized testing
  • Simulation training
  • Academic E-lessons
  • Virtual classrooms
  • LL (Language Learning)
  • ELL (English Language Learning)
  • ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • Self-study software
  • Mobile learning
  • Social learning
  • Game-based learning
  • Professional Certification
  • Sales training
  • License renewal testing
  • Benefit training
  • New Employee training
  • CE (Continuing Education)
  • CLE (Continuing Legal Education)
  • CME (Continuing Medical Education)
  • Educational Podcasts

A closer look at the primary forms of e-learning

1. Fixed eLearning:

Description: Traditional online learning with a structured approach to information delivery.

Unique Aspects: Focuses on passing down information effectively but can lead to over-dependence among learners.

Advantages: Suitable for time-sensitive completion schedules with fixed curriculums

Disadvantages: Lack of adaptability to diverse eLearning needs and individual preferences


2. Adaptive eLearning:

Description: Tailors learning materials to individual preferences, skills, and performance.

Unique Aspects: Offers flexibility for learners to switch learning approaches based on their needs

Advantages: Tailored to individual learning preferences, skills, and abilities, promoting self-paced study environments

Disadvantages: Potential over-dependence on others due to collaborative nature


3. Asynchronous eLearning:

Description: Student-centered platform allowing access to materials at an individual pace without real-time communication.

Unique Aspects: Offers flexibility in learning schedules without the need for synchronous participation

Advantages: Offers flexibility and convenience for self-paced learning from anywhere

Disadvantages: Can lead to isolation and lack of constant evaluation or interaction with peers


4. Interactive eLearning:

Description: Involves open communication between teachers and students for better interaction.

Unique Aspects: Allows for modifications to learning materials based on real-time feedback, enhancing engagement

Advantages: Enhances communication, teamwork, and engagement through two-way interaction between teachers and students

Disadvantages: May lack consideration for individual learning abilities and real-world elements


5. Collaborative eLearning:

Description: Emphasizes teamwork and group effort in completing courses.

Unique Aspects: Promotes communication, critical thinking, and cultural diversity among learners

Advantages: Promotes communication, and critical thinking, and accommodates diverse student backgrounds through teamwork

Disadvantages: Potential over-dependence on some students, leading to unfair workload distribution


6. Synchronous eLearning:

Description: Enables groups of students to engage in real-time learning activities remotely.

Unique Aspects: Facilitates simultaneous interactive learning experiences among students

Advantages: Real-time interaction, immediate feedback, and structured learning schedules

Disadvantages: Requires strict adherence to set schedules, limiting flexibility for learners


7. Mobile Learning (mLearning):

Description: Delivers training through mobile devices with bite-sized modules and videos.

Unique Aspects: Enables learning anytime, anywhere, especially beneficial in areas with limited internet access

Advantages: Accessible on-the-go, promotes microlearning, and caters to diverse learning styles

Disadvantages: Limited screen size may impact content delivery and interaction quality


8. Gamification:

Description: Integrates game mechanics like points and leaderboards into the learning process.

Unique Aspects: Offers an immersive experience through augmented reality and virtual reality technologies

Advantages: Enhances engagement, motivation, and retention through game-like elements in learning

Disadvantages: Potential distraction from learning objectives if not well-implemented


Each of these types of eLearning offers unique benefits and challenges, ranging from real-time interaction in synchronous eLearning to the immersive experiences of Game-based learning. 

We do well with numerous modules, languages, characters, & file naming conventions

Why do businesses come back?  The same reason they work with professional ad agencies, marketing firms, logos, developers, etc…

They want to maintain a professional image.

At Edge, you’ll see how every narration project is tailored to your needs, time frame, budget, and requirements.

Oh, best part! Choose to join us:

  • In-person – in New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles
  • Online – via Zoom, Source Connect, ipDTL
  • Or leave it in our hands

Call 212-868-EDGE (3343) or email [email protected]

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