In each monthly episode, 2 pro voice actors
show & tell us about their studio!
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What people are saying about
Home Studio Show & Tell
-“This is so fantastic – thank you for putting this together and for everyone who shared their space. It’s great to see the range of what is working for people.”
-“Very informative on a number of levels. I’m not voice acting yet, but I like to be informed before I ad lib!!!” Will L.
-“It was great showing my fellow emerging voice artists what’s possible when you’re building your first DIY home studio.” Dale S.
-“I just want you to know how much I appreciate the Home Studio shows. It is so inspiring to see how individual VO people solve their specific issues, and make the most of the space they have. This last session gave me some ideas for sound treatment that my wife might actually be able to tolerate!” Tim G.
-“I continue to be amazed at the creativity and resourcefulness of these VO artists. That amazement has turned into motivation…. I see how people don’t wait for their space to be ‘perfect’, or ‘look’ like a professional recording space. So, I now just step into my 3×5 coat closet near the front door, imbed the mic stand in the middle of all the coats, close the door, and turn on a flashlight so I can read the script. I can’t move at all with the coats there as the material makes way too much noise. I leave the computer outside on a small table. But, know what? It Works…!! Tim G.