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Spanish Voice Over Training & Demo Recording

Aprende el arte de como manejar tu voz para voice overs, o para comerciales de radio y TV

With its exciting variety of flavors and dialects, Spanish is one of the fastest growing sectors of today’s voice over industry!

Spanish commercials, narrations, animation, and audiobooks are some of the fastest-growing segments.

Edge Studio is an internationally respected Spanish voice over training and demo production studio — providing Classes, Private training, Demo recording, and Marketing plans. (And adding to our expertise, we are also highly experienced at producing Spanish voice over jobs.)

Join in: Call (212-868-EDGE) or email Training@EdgeStudio.com

Meet Edge Studio Coach: Ernesto De Villa Bejjani

Un actor Mexico-Libanés, Ernesto De Villa Bejjani inició su carrera en 1984, completó sus estudios profesionales en la Escuela Nacional de Arte Teatral del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes de la Ciudad de México, desde entonces se ha desempeñado como actor, director, productor, coach de actuación y locución.

Vive en la ciudad de Nueva York desde 2003, dirigiendo su propia compañía teatral, 88 Performing Arts, ha producido varios espectáculos teatrales, como su obra “El deseo de Sofía”. Durante los últimos treinta años Ernesto ha trabajado impartiendo clases de actuación y locución. Como coach de voice over bilingüe, la dicción y la reducción del acento son uno de sus principales puntos a desarrollar. Además, Ernesto es director de casting para comerciales de radio y televisión en español para el mercado de los Estados Unidos.

Algunos de los premios de Ernesto incluyen Actor Revelación Masculino del Año (2004) y Mejor director por su trabajo de “El deseo de Sofía” (2013) de la Asociación de Críticos de Entretenimiento de Nueva York. También, ganó los premios de Mejor Actor Masculino (2008) y Mejor Dirección (2013) de Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors.

En sus propias palabras, “La tarea de formar actores y locutores profesionales es mi pasión”.

Graba tu demo en Español o Inglés con expertos en Edge Studio

The Spanish Voiceover industry calls for a wide range of vocal mastery. In many cases, Neutral Spanish is required. In others — particularly regional spots – the dialect and accent of that region are specifically requested by the client. Learn how to speak in smooth Neutral Spanish, and to use your own native accent in a way the industry expects.

What do you need to strengthen your technique? What aspects of the wide Spanish voice over world do you want to explore? Confidence comes from successful experiences, and as you begin practicing with our professional coaches and studying, you’ll hear for yourself where you shine and where you may need some polishing.

Soon private coaching sessions will have you and your coach hone in on your specific training needs and explore your artistic goals one-on-one. Mejora tus habilidades con clases privadas en Edge Studio.

Plus… When you’re ready to take the next step in your voiceover career and enter the professional workplace, you can record your demo — in English or Spanish — at Edge Studio. We have a 3-step demo process, to ensure that your demo will be up to the high standards the industry demands, and will also showcase your unique voice and talent. Graba tu demo en Español o Inglés con expertos en Edge Studio.

Spanish Accent Acquisition & Reduction Sessions

Spanish accents can be very helpful in the voice over industry, and many voice actors are hired to record English with a Spanish accent or Spanglish.

But is your accent too thick? Or not strong enough? We can help.

So whether you’re from New York City, Mexico, or even Spain, our experts can help you tailor your accent to what Spanish casting agents are hiring.

Join in: Call (212-868-EDGE) or email Training@EdgeStudio.com

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