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How to Start in Voice Acting.
Intro Package for animation, audiobook, commercial…

Join 1,200 pros who began here.

Choose the Intro Package with a group evaluation class ($75) — or with a private evaluation ($95).  

Both will:

  1. Teach you the fundamentals,
  2. Help you assess which genres you’re most likely to book,
  3. Introduce you to casting & auditions,
  4. Introduce you to home studios,
  5. And try it out

Offered in NYC & Online.

Take the Intro Package with a Group Evaluation Class
Take the Intro Package with a Private Evaluation

Edge Studio’s Intro Package is how over a thousand professional voice actors began booking work.

The best way to start in voice acting is by taking an intro class and getting an assessment with a voiceover pro to learn about the voiceover industry and to see which genre of voice acting is right for you. Examples of voiceover genres include commercial, narration, audiobooks, animation, video games, character, elearning, promo, documentary, live announcements, broadcast, radio, telephony, and more. Reading scripts and receiving feedback in an intro class will allow you to determine if you would like to pursue a career in voice over.

  1. Does voice acting make sense for you?
  2. Will knowing the actual day-to-day lifestyle of a voice actor – and what you can realistically expect – help you develop a sensible answer?
  3. If you’re exploring this field – or if you’ve begun and question what’s right – this Voice Acting Intro Package is a logical step. 

Choose the Intro Package

with a Group Evaluation Class ($75)
or with a Private Evaluation ($95)

Here's how it goes...:

1. Importantly, to ensure you begin in the best direction, you’ll begin with a candid evaluation — (choose group class or private session): Animation, audiobooks, audio dramas, audio guides, commercial, documentary…23 genres total!  Voice actors are way more successful when they focus on genres best suited to their voice, goals, and interests.

2. After that, you’ll receive your coaches’ clear recommendations with feedback, with practical steps to take: During the evaluation portion of your Voice Over Intro Package, your coach will (1) give you live-directed candid feedback, (2) assess your voice, performance, and natural vocal strengths, and (3) develop a realistic path for you. Afterward, our team will review all this with you by phone.

3. And you’ll get Edge’s popular Guides: including the Edge Studio Industry Performance Guidebook, The 5 Types of VO Demos, and The Demo Script Selection Guide. These are industry-trusted and will aid in your voice over training journey, helping you to make informed decisions and know the industry better.

4. Then ‘Try out being a voice actor!’ Come to as many of our Zoom group ‘Voice Workouts’ and ‘Home Studio & Career Guidance Sessions’ for a month as you want (usually around 10 per month)!  This is an amazing opportunity to: Experience our coaches, Meet other students, Meet other voice actors, Hone your skills, And ask questions! We’ll give you the schedule and Zoom links for all of them, so you can log-in anytime you want, to as many as you want – and feel welcome to totally participate or just observe and learn!

5. To end your ‘Intro Package’: Round out your ‘Intro Package’ with a 15-20 minute Zoom meeting with our owner David Goldberg. You can read a script to assess how you’re doing, and you two can talk through various paths forward.

Intro Package with the Group Evaluation Class

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SKU: 01t3x000008nfrVAAQ Category: Class

Intro Package with a Private Evaluation

(4 customer reviews)



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SKU: 01t3x000008nfrZAAQ Category: Private Coaching Session

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Which Intro Package is better for you?

Details: Group Evaluation Class

You can take this class:

  • Via our Online Zoom webinar, with a live instructor
  • In our NYC studio

The benefits of a Group Evaluation Class:

  • This is ‘like the real thing!’  You’ll participate in a realistic representation of a voice over recording session, as you’ll read scripts, the instructor will listen, voice-direct you, and give candid feedback.
  • And watching other people in the class is very helpful, as you’ll more quickly develop your ability to hear like casting teams.  Our instructors are trained to tailor the scripts they give you based on your voice and goals, as well as your natural ability, experiences, and other factors.
  • Very importantly, you’ll train your ears by hearing other students in the class, their reads, and the direction they get.  This will help you take voice-direction from your own client one day.
  • Incorporating these skills into your own performance is key.
  • The group class is very economical, it goes longer, and you’ll walk away with a lot of knowledge – just as much as a private evaluation.


Details: Private Evaluation

Private evaluations are offered:

  • Private online meeting via Zoom – with your instructor
  • At our New York City studio

The benefits of a Private Evaluation:

You’ll work with one of our coaches who makes sense for you, your voice, your goals. For example, one person may be interested in audiobooks, another in animation and video games, another commercials, and another narration.  If you aren’t sure – of if you’d like to work in many sectors, we’ll put you with a coach who is experienced in all genres of the industry.

Benefits of a private voice over class evaluation:

  • You may feel more ‘at ease’ without other students hearing you read.
  • Schedule can be easier, since it’s just you and the coach.
  • This more closely simulates a real recording session.
  • We can more likely work with your specific schedule.

This is ideal for beginners with little to no experience in the voice over world – who are interested in Animation, Audiobooks, Commercials, Narration, Videogames … 23 genres to explore.

The Package is designed to give you a fabulous head start based on your specific voice, goals, and interests.

More importantly, it includes an assessment with live-directed feedback – which is key to success, a personalized plan, 3 Guides, and training classes for a month so you can get a feel for voice over, for the industry, and for us!

Want to start?

This candid and realistic assessment is a safe way to begin.

There are so  many benefits to taking an Evaluation!

Whether our Group Evaluation Class, or our Private Evaluation, you’ll work with a VO professional, experienced in assessing the marketability of your natural voice, your performance, your vocal control, and your directability.

Your coach will select a variety of actual scripts, and you’ll have the opportunity to read them.  And after both types, you’ll get straightforward feedback and a personalized plan.

This is a great way to explore voiceover for beginners, but there’s no such thing as a “beginner script.” The scripts you’ll read from will be fully professional – actual scripts used in the respective genres, with real vocal challenges and opportunities (more on that last part, below).

You will also explore other potential VO material that you may not have considered. That’s an important component in voiceover training for beginners. Consider: When someone asks a prospective voice actor what kind of voiceover they want to do, many people typically answer one or two of the most visible genres (such as, “commercials,” or “narration” or “audiobooks” or “animation”). But there are more than two dozen distinct VO genres, and many subgenres and other ways of specializing.

After working with the coach, you’ll have a follow-up call to hear your instructors suggested Action Plan and Next Steps.  The call will be with an Edge Studio Education Advisor who is knowledgeable in the areas of voiceover where we think you would be most marketable. Your advisor will recommend the best training path and voice acting classes for your skills and voice.

During the class and your follow-up review, find out:

  • In what genres is your voice marketable?
  • What is your vocal range?
  • How directable are you?
  • Should you specialize in acting or non-acting genres? For example, if your interest is audiobooks, should you focus on fiction or non-fiction books?
  • Where is your voice on the “formality” spectrum? Are you more suited to narration and education? Or instead, should you target commercials and character work?

Some of these answers depend on you. What genres interest you? Your preference will help determine what skills you can gain or strengthen in voiceover classes. For beginners, we also describe what type of coach(es) to work with, and other factors.

  • Our voiceover training for beginners helps people make informed choices from the very start.
  • In some cases, a person will have factors they’ll need to correct or overcome. If so, we will also mention those, privately and candidly, including the possibility that voiceover work is not for you, or if you should invest in more training before pursuing this as a career.
  • After all, not everyone is suited for this. And people have the right to hear that, truthfully. Edge Studio’s excellent reputation is based on training VO professionals and people with professional voice-acting potential; we never string someone along or make any empty promises.

Why Edge Studio?

Edge Studio has launched successful voiceover careers for more than 30 years. Our training program and demo reel production are considered to be the best in the voiceover industry, for both beginners and seasoned professionals. If you are interested in launching your part-time or full-time voiceover career, Edge Studio is the perfect place to start.

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Here’s why we have helped launch thousands of people as working professional voice actors:

  • Live training. We believe that live interaction with coaches and instructors is the best way to learn a new skill.
  • Classes allot for Q&A time.
  • Support – lots of it.
  • Our team is comprised of numerous, fulltime working professional voice actors, who collectively create the feel of a university.
  • Dedicated Education Advisors guide you through every step of the learning process, including which voice acting classes to take and when.

As well as…

  • Train from anywhere. We specialize in training students remotely. Remote recording has become a standard practice in the industry.
  • Important peripheral education opportunities. Including a wide array of continuing education classes that will teach you how to market yourself, create a home studio, develop your business plan, and hone your vocal technique.
  • Private one-on-one training with working professionals.
  • A flexible schedule based on your availability.
  • The most marketable demos in the voiceover market today.