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[SFX: waves, seagulls, ukulele music] ELF: Ah…tropical Christmas. Us elves aren’t used to this. Normally we’re stuck in Santa’s workshop. [...]
Last night, we brought over some Lime-a-ritas to Eva’s rooftop . Then Elise busted out her dance moves from summer [...]
[it was a boring day at Claytons house when he was trying to think of what to do] Joy: I [...]
Hmmmm, very, very, very, interesting. I see from this completely fake chart that many of you haven’t been for your [...]
Before it became a medicine, there was an idea, an inspiration, a wild what-if. So scientists went to work. They [...]
Today I’m 100. I don’t feel older…I mean, mentally. Physically, I am tired. I walk with a cane and have [...]
Hades: Ladies, please, my favor is in your lovely hands! Witch two: Oohhh, all right! Witch one: In 18 years [...]
Sherry and her team have been cleaning my home for about five years. They’ve been with me through jobs, celebrations [...]
Bowser: Yeah, so this one time Mario threw me into a pit of frickin lava! Lots of times! [Notices Aku] [...]
ANGRY: Look, we’ve never met before. I don’t know you. But you’ve already shown me one thing: it’s time to [...]
Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey. Served in fine establishments and questionable joints everywhere.
I already told you Christopher, there’s no such thing as a problem – everything is a solution waiting to be [...]
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