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In Lynchburg, Tennessee, you can park in the middle of the road to talk with a neighbor about taxes or [...]
Headaches. We all get them. We all wish they would go away. There is a solution. Excedrin. I just take [...]
[Jack, the dog; barking at the neighbor’s dog, must use the bathroom and wants to go for a walk for [...]
Okay, so you used the udda guys, and now your package is…well, maybe it’s not lost, but it 10a.m. and [...]
I’m a T-shirt and jeans guy. Never spent a lot on clothes. So I meet a girl. She doesn’t mind [...]
Congratulations on winning the election and leading our country to greatness, Mr. President. You know, I got you elected so [...]
Giving the right gift is easy. Just follow these simple steps. First, pick up a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee [...]
Did I ever tell you about that time I was panning at Copperhead Creek? Well, it was the luckiest day [...]
As you all know, today is a gracious day. Our beloved Mary has been chosen to ascend by the powers [...]
They call me up. Hey, good news! You can save 35% off AT&T. So I switched. Call my sister. It [...]
INT. PLUTO HQ – PR DEPT / LOW LEVEL CUBICLES – CONTINUOUS A sea of cubicles. Every one the same. [...]
Congratulations on winning the election and leading our city for a good two years, Mr. Mayor. Of course, you never [...]
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