Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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NPC (Non-Player Character) Lines —————————— Commands —————————— [Moving – Slow, On Guard] “Moving to Position.” “On guard.” “Steady, steady…” [Moving [...]
Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A [...]
At Freshii, you can customize your entrée and be your own culinary master. So what’s in your custom bowl? Tex [...]
Kids can change minds. They can even change the world around us. Packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals, [...]
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten [...]
Somewhere in the Caribbean, there are 5-star luxury resorts where it’s all-inclusive, all the time. Sandals, where love is all [...]
Characters like Marie. She’s a character. She does ballet. Professionally. Because character. That’s what we’re about. Alfred Peet. Now, there [...]
Muscle aches? Nothing is proven more effective or longer lasting than Advil. For long-lasting relief of muscle aches, count on [...]
Would you like to buy a house? Maybe it’s your first house, or even your 2nd and you just think [...] It’s the #1 shopping site for top name brands at up to 75% off. Great style, great value and [...]
No matter where we live–when it comes to something as important as health care–we all want the best. That’s why [...]
If you lived before our time, who would you be? Would you fight your brother for the rights of another? [...]
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