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Free Voice Over Practice Scripts

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


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4-H Organization

It began with the seed of an idea. In 1902, the heartland needed folks to embrace new advances in agriculture. [...]

Batman Begins (2005) – Epilogue

I once made a mistake thinking Ras’ Al Ghoul was dead. Though when men make themselves symbols, they shed their [...]


The beavers build their lodge out of intertangled twigs and sticks; as freezing weather nears, they plaster their lodge with [...]

Mystery Family Vacation

What is this place? I’ve never been here before. I remember speaking Spanish on the way over here. But I [...]

Documentary on Jazz

It is America’s music. It is an improvised Art, making itself up as it goes along. It rewards individual expression. [...]

Ernest Hemingway’s Story

For over twenty years, Ernest Hemingway spent virtually every fall and winter at Sun Valley, Idaho. Although his legendary haunts [...]

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart dared to go where no one had gone before. The public adored the pioneering pilot. And news reels [...]

Summer of Love?

So, you want to know how my summer was? Let’s see; I went out with a girl once, I told [...]

McCholesterol Version 2

Come to McCholesterol and try our Triple Bacon and cheese Heart Attack Burger and triple fat fries! This Friday, for [...]

Harvey Home Theater

He has a 160 IQ, performs cardiac surgery for a living. And now, he can even operate his home entertainment [...]

Motel 6 Updo

I’ve just been hearing about this trendy new hairstyle called a “man bun”. I mean what’s next, the “hee hive”? [...]

CASPER – Apollo 16

The year was 1967, and the astronauts of Apollo 16 were going to the moon. This is Charlie Duke, Lunar [...]


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