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Medical & Pharmaceutical Free Voice Over Script

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


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Endoscan Process

A guidewire is inserted into the femoral artery up through the iliac artery and into the contra-lateral iliac artery. Module [...]

I Am Anxiety – Beyond Blue

I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? Oh! You still don’t know who I am. [...]

Farxiga Fair Balance

Artistic Direction: Female; should sound like age range of: 45-55; want gravitas and impact to her voice; warmth is good, [...]


Life-saving medical tech has made lightyears of progress, but cybersecurity has been left in the dark. Medical devices save and [...]


We have a history of caring. We mend broken hearts. We give people words to live by. We help keep [...]


As a doctor, few things likely shock you. However, this should: Here are the total premiums charged to doctors for [...]

Neuroendocrine Tumors

Although pathologic concepts regarding squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma have remained relatively stable during the past 10 years, those regarding [...]

Introduction to OSHA Federal Requirements

Introduction This chapter provides technical information about fall hazards and protection methods. The information is intended to help prepare OSHA [...]

Lab Corp Sample Video

This is the Lab Corp Fit sample collection procedure. Begin by filling in all the required information on the sampling [...]

Heartsavers First Aid and Adult CPR Course

This American Heart Association course will teach first aid assessments and actions. Topics covered include: general principles of first aid, [...]

Eating Disorder PSA

You notice your friend has been throwing away her lunch. She’s started wearing baggy clothes – all the time. She [...]

American Cancer Society

If you think one person can’t make a difference, consider your American Cancer Society. You’ll find out about our patient [...]


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Have a script that’s fun, unusual, challenging, or just very good?

By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!

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