Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
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Man: I’m here to welcome you on behalf of the President of the Globex Corporation, me. Try the papyas. They’re [...]
Marge: You took a new job in a strange town without discussing it with your family? Homer: No, of course [...]
ALL MIGHT: I’m afraid that I barely have a minute left in this form. My power’s declining faster than I [...]
Cornello: Serve in true faith that all thy prayers may be answered. As a man opens blinds to let the [...]
Bart: You shank. How could you tell on me? Milhouse: Well, I didn’t want hungry birds pecking my soul forever. [...]
Once upon a time, in Central City, there was a butcher named Barry. Barry loved to chop up meat more [...]
[This Script Comes in Two Forms] [Original Monologue] – My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house [...]
There’s never a wrong time to stand tall. Created for the hardwood but taken to the streets, the Nike Dunk [...]
*Bodil slowing wakes up* Ralof: So your finally awake. *Bodil looks around* Bodil: Where am I? Who are you? Ralof: [...]
I lived wanting to protect life, that much is true…but I was a child back then. An idiotic child who [...]
Never part of any crowd Being in space You move around Seeking for a shooting star Or Taking walk on [...]
How do you get clean? At RiseWell we believe oral hygiene should be natural and safe, without nasty toxins. Our [...]
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