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Pieces or Cups? Pieces or Cups? Pieces Or Cups? Pieces in Cups! Man, we’re killing it over here, huh? Not [...]
I still have to finish the rehab for my legs. So, I can’t really do anything until I can walk [...]
Dear Holly, Thank you so much for your contact, and let me just say that the position of B&B Corporate [...]
Memory’s so treacherous. One moment you’re lost in a carnival of delights, with poignant childhood aromas, the flashing neon of [...]
The man mythical machine? The Star Spangled Bomber? The Fists of Freedom himself! He is not our new sponsor!
I liked the sail boats. I woke up one day and there they were. Lot’s of ’em. Dozens and dozens. [...]
Yo, that cell phone bill getting harsh? You gotta get with Boost Mobile. Pay as you go or choose pre-paid [...]
The blues ain’t nothin’ but a good man feelin’ bad, and it seems like there was no better way to [...]
I’ve proved my point. I’ve demonstrated there’s no difference between me and everyone else! All it takes is one bad [...]
Hello, Batsy! Fancy seeing you here tonight! Are you here to fight again? You know, we really shouldn’t keep meeting [...]
I was going crazy trying to plan our financial future. It got so bad, even my calculator was threatening to [...]
“Good things never happen after midnight.” As a mother, and on behalf of millions of mothers since the beginning of [...]
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