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Oh hi there, I was just trying to bake a cake. You’ll never guess where I am. I’m near a [...]
Welcome ladies and gentleman, tonight you’re not seeing amazing stunts…everything you see here, is real. Including stainless steel blades, like [...]
Oh why… why did I touch that gem?! Oh, I curse it! I must rid of this thing to restore [...]
Is this really what you want? Some guy cutting into your tunes trying to sell you something you really don’t [...]
Announcer: And now a brief lesson in “Moo-ology” Cow: Moo Announcer: That means the Sirloin Stockade has great food. Cow: [...]
( enter two friends) friend 1) Hey there friend 2) Oh, hi friend 1) Would you like a mint? (holds [...]
I serve Cactus Pepper Sauce to the trail hands ever day, cause they like their chow spicy! Believe me, that [...]
Your time has come. All things must pass. Protectors are saved, intruders are slayed. I have yet to [...]
You see this here, hmm? This is a deck of 51 cards, although I don’t play using the Joker cards. [...]
So, tell me, what’s the difference between a politician, and an actor? I’ll tell you right now, there isn’t. Here’s [...]
So this guy I was dating seemed to have it all. Good looks, a great job, a nice smile, and [...]
I couldn’t stop laughing. I mean, me…win the lottery? I couldn’t believe it! I mean, at first, I figured it was [...]
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