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Mom, can I have some more calcium? NEW Minute Maid Premium Orange Tangerine with Calcium. Tastes like biting into a [...]
Out of my love for Planters Nuts and Snacks, I’d like to become Mrs. Peanut. I remember how we met. [...]
Yesterday, Di and I took the kids to the beach. She’s so choosey, she packed 14 sunscreens, and it was [...]
When I open my sandwich, I like knowing what’s inside is for real. Nothing but 100% marinated chicken breast in [...]
Me. Myself. My salad. Okay. This is it. This is the salad for me. The Grilled Chicken Caesar at McDonald’s. [...]
My granddad built this farm way back in the late 1800s. He had a policy of producing only the finest [...]
I really must be going. I’ve been sitting here now for almost 45 minutes waiting for the check. Well, no [...]
Jenny and I don’t often get a chance to chat and go over things. She’s so very busy. That’s what [...]
Ha ha ha ha ha! I’m pouring salad dressing all over my salad without guilt tagging along for the ride. [...]
The blues ain’t nothin’ but a good man feelin’ bad, and it seems like there was no better way to [...]
It was tough explaining to my daughter where her dad would be for the next few weeks. After all, the [...]
Smart. I got the call on Monday. Signed a contract on Friday. That’s why I was glad I already had [...]
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