Audiobook Free Voice Over Script
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Audrey loved to tell corny jokes, she told them all the time. She loved to tell them to her father, [...]
It was very late and everyone had left the café except an old man who sat in the shadow the [...]
In the ancient Cheddar Gorge of Somerset in England, there is a huge cavern. Since it was first discovered more [...]
You’re a cog in the wheel of a Corporate world. An expendable, replaceable Valueless tool. Go to work. Grease the [...]
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rage at close of day; Rage, rage [...]
The next passage in my journey is a love affair. I am in love with Montana. For other states I [...]
Introduction Welcome to the wonderful, lucrative, challenging, and creative world of voice-overs. If you’re reading this book, you’ve probably listened [...]
First Impressions The first day we passed at sea was Sunday. As we were just from port, and there was [...]
We’ve all been there: standing on one foot and then the other trying to decide what to have for dinner [...]
Healthy Cooking by Sharon Claessens Preface Good Eating and Good Health It was barely a generation ago that indigestion, heartburn [...]
When you’ve finished reading this book you probably won’t HAVE all the skills needed to compete with professional voice-overs; that [...]
When a movie star walks down the street he is likely to be followed by an entourage, fans, and the [...]
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