Audiobook Free Voice Over Script
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This book is my very first book and publication to the masses. It is about my personal story and journey [...]
WHEN I WAS a young boy, my father used to tell me stories about the great legends in business. He [...]
On August 19, 1915, seventy miles off Queenstown, Ireland, at about three in the afternoon, the German submarine U-27 halted [...]
In G*d’s wildness lies the hope of the world – the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness of [...]
Religion, particularly organized religion, provides many people with a sense of purpose and community. As we discussed in Chapter 12, [...]
“We are walking on quicksand,” wrote Woodrow Wilson to a cousin in September 1915. For over a year the president [...]
When Bataan and Corregidor fell to the Japanese in the spring of 1942, all the U.S. and Philippine troops in [...]
How would you like to own part of a company without having to sit down with a board of directors, [...]
To say training at Toccoa was intense is an understatement. Colonel Sink insisted on extremely high standards. Since all personnel [...]
I never meant to break his thumb. All I wanted was a ride in the elevator . The burnished brass [...]
Characters Austin is a college-aged American kid, on a study abroad in Africa. Rashid is Austin’s college-aged friend of Arabic [...]
“Hello, Auntie,” I said in a level voice. “It isn’t nice to sneak up behind me. Especially lately.” She held [...]
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