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When kids are in charge, a tune-up is free and the trolley is always on time! Take the wheel of [...]
From the Academy Award winning creator of “The Piano” comes what Newsweek calls a gorgeous, fascinating, and audacious film. The [...]
Thirty minutes of television tips, techniques, tools, and how-to’s for the “total gardener”. Rebecca’s Garden. Check your local television listings.
A Moonstruck inspired comedy (Rolling Stone). Tell a friend and run to see this one (Dish Network). It’s absolutely delightful. [...]
Come check out the largest running H***y Tonk in New York. Rodeo. For some real Texas barbeque, and all the [...]
Global Golf Adventures brings you destinations from around the world. A behind the scenes look at different clubs and courses. [...]
Thursday on the Insider – Kathy Lee’s biggest interview ever, and you won’t believe who it’s with!
The Missing, now on DVD and Blu-ray. On two discs with special features including the short films of Ron Howard, [...]
The master is back! Frederick Forsythe’s best selling novel is now available in paperback. Twenty weeks on the New York [...]
Tonight, Hillary Clinton. She’s got strong views on raising children. What about her own image? Hillary Clinton on 20/20 this [...]
Martha Stewart. Love her? Hate her? Either way you’ll finally hear from her. Martha Stewart in her only interview speaks [...]
They’re kids committing awful crimes…Are they homicidal monsters…Or are they abused minors. Do they need us to get tough, or [...]
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