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The youngest of the Rocky Mountains, the Teton Range is a spectacular sight. Enhanced by glaciers, deep canyons, snowfields, and [...]
In 1916, the hospital ship Britannic was rocked by sudden, massive explosion and sunk in less than an hour. Was [...]
Twelve degrees north latitude is a great address in the Caribbean. Far south of the path of hurricanes and most [...]
What are the characteristics of the guerilla marketing as opposed to traditional marketing? Guerrilla marketing differs in 3 ways: 1. [...]
As America enters the next decade, it does so with an appalling legacy of gun violence. The 1980s were tragic [...]
Halloween is a festival of Scottish-Irish origin, held on All Hallow’s Eve, the night of October 31. Elements of the [...]
Located between Cuba and Puerto Rico, the island of Hispaniola is divided between the nations of Haiti and the Dominican [...]
September 15, 1963, the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama – as worshipers fill the sanctuary, nothing can prepare [...]
Ireland is a land of wild seacoasts and misty rolling hills — so green that it is sometimes called “The [...]
As unlikely as it seems, many people will enter and win money in the Irish Sweepstakes. This lottery is illegal [...]
They were the first large wave of immigrants to land in nineteenth-century America, arriving poor and desperate, uprooted strangers in [...]
Religion, politics, passion, history, social injustice, and a standing army are not the ideal ingredients for a ‘get away from [...]
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