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In the past 150 years, the tall grass prairie – the easternmost portion of the Great Plains – has been [...]
The interior attack is one of the most effective fireground tactics. But to succeed, it means getting inside the building [...]
The Cerro Grande fire began as a “controlled burn”. Designed to limit the power of future wildfires by burning away [...]
Whether you’re a professional sommelier or a budding gourmand, vacations built around the culinary arts are a perfect way to [...]
In France, every road leads to splendid food. From Flandres to the Pays Basque, from Normandie to Nice, from the [...]
Perhaps the most amazing thing about the animals of the Galapagos, is not how they look, but that they seem [...]
Most garage doors fall into 2 categories roll-up, or sectional doors and swing up or one – piece doors. Both [...]
For garden lovers, few pleasures equal roaming the aisles of a nursery. Here’s how to make the best use of [...]
If you’ve never seen a live giant squid, don’t despair. Neither has anybody else. But this huge, u**y cephalopod–60 feet [...]
The Gobi desert of Central Asia is one of the earth’s most desolate places. It’s million square kilometers of sand [...]
If you have not yet heard of goji, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in [...]
Across the African continent, another population of Gorillas evolved. Their habitat straddles the volcanic ranges that join Uganda and the [...]
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