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Drift nets can be deadly for many ocean creatures who become entangled in an invisible “wall” of netting. Along the [...]
James Joyce once said that he wanted to create a picture of Dublin so complete that if the city one [...]
All around the world, mountains are on the rise. And in few places, this does happen more swiftly than in [...]
Pulled and pushed by forces deep within the planet, the Pacific plate is sliding northwest past North America at an [...]
To modern eyes, the people of ancient Egypt seem bearers of some higher civilization…whose sources lay in another world. While [...]
Bonding over the mineral-rich mud in the hole at their feet, an older female places her trunk into a juvenile’s [...]
With notoriously bad eyesight, forest elephants tend to follow their trunks, using the appendage as a blind person might use [...]
Yesterday, millions of people were seduced by an offer of love online. Today, the cyber promise was a joke — [...]
The notion of England as a gentle, fabled land freeze-framed some time in the 1930s when community life revolved around [...]
Roundup’s active ingredient, Glyphosate, is the most popular pesticide in the United States, partially because of the persistent rumor that [...]
As she lifted her lamp beside the golden door to this new world, another lamp was about to light — [...]
“The cinema has no boundary; it is a ribbon of dream,” Orson Welles said. It is a dream that knows [...]
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