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Narration Genres Free Voice Over Script

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Croatia’s National Parks

The squirrel-like door mice often move into the safety of abandoned woodpecker holes. The door mice have made their nest [...]

Cyclone Of Bangladesh

The cyclone of November 12, 1970 in Bangladesh, is widely considered to be the worst natural disaster of the 20th [...]


This grand structure was built in Hellenistic times and modified by the Romans in the 2nd century. On these stepped [...]


The callous invasion of August 20, 1968 seems to us, much more than simply another Czech disaster–or simply an invasion [...]

A Cougar Hunts

The deer approaches the opening, unaware of the cougar’s presence. Slowly and quietly, Shuka creeps toward his prey. Hearing a [...]

Design For Humanity Award

In a world of so much rhetoric and so little action, the discovery of real achievement, gives us hope that [...]

Tiffany & Co. Diamonds

Diamonds are pure or nearly pure carbon, blessed with three extraordinary qualities: First, a diamond is the purest of earth’s [...]

Dinosaurs and Birds

The evidence that birds descended from dinosaurs — indeed are dinosaurs — has become conclusive for most paleontologists and evolutionary [...]

Discovery Channel: When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth

In nature, disaster is a constant companion and death comes in many guises. Dinosaurs now trapped by the fire — [...]

Haenyo at Cheju Island

Carrying out a 1,500-year-old tradition, this woman prepares to dive for abalones, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and octopuses at Cheju [...]

Dolphins in Fiordland

Gliding with uncanny grace, bottlenose dolphins pass the scalloped shadow of a mountain peak in Fiordland, New Zealand’s largest national [...]

Hunting for Dolphins

This spectacular display of airtime by these dusky dolphins actually has a practical purpose. These are scouts looking for food. [...]


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