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The elegant and powerful sword is the pinnacle of all blade implements, the culmination of blade making technology. Though it’s [...]
A synthetic material is one that does not occur naturally. Some synthetics are the result of bringing chemicals together in [...]
What really made the long, lonely stretches of the tall grass so attractive, was the domesticated seed from the old [...]
The land of the Maya spread from parts of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala in the south, to Belize and [...]
The meadow is full of life. Tall, yellow wildflowers called Goldenrod grow in the meadow. In the morning, a hungry, [...]
Like most other Mediterranean cities, Athens must be seen by day, but experienced by night. This is the time to [...]
Less than two years later, General William Tecumseh Sherman scorched a path of destruction across Georgia that ended with the [...]
Comprising 3,400 shimmering glass panels, the new conservatory at the Cleveland Botanical Garden resembles a giant three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. The [...]
In the moderately populated but energy-intensive US, buildings consume 36% of the country’s energy supply and each year run up [...]
Today, desktop computer designs are flirting with clock speeds of 300 MHZ, unheard of just a year ago. However, to [...]
Congo Gorilla Forest provides its animals with a rich, physical environment, but it doesn’t stop there. The vision behind “Congo [...]
Like animals in the ark, most of us march through life two by two. Though about half of first marriages [...]
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