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Up to two feet across from tip to tip, sea stars pry open mussels and clams with their muscular “arms,” [...]
Legend tells… of a time long ago… when the first group of Polynesian sea ferries set ashore on this distant [...]
Snakes belong to a group of animals called reptiles. Every snake has a long legless body covered with scales, and [...]
King cobras hunt at dusk for birds, rats, lizards, and other snakes. They k**l their prey by biting and injecting [...]
The race is on to install solar panels in American homes thanks to generous government incentives such the $3.2 billion [...]
Solder is a metal alloy, made by combining tin and lead in different proportions. Here the proportions are equal, so [...]
During the dry season in southern Africa, any pool is bound to be a center of life as thirsty and [...]
January 28th, 1986. America was shocked by a bolt out of the blue…a devastation that shattered the U.S. Space program. [...]
Sri Lanka can be divided into four regions: the central highlands, the southwest, the east, and the northern lowlands. The [...]
There was a good dollop of whimsy in the nineteenth-century creative mind, and when it came to designing floral and [...]
Known variously as the Seven Sisters, the Seven Virgins, and the Daughters of Atlas, the Pleiades (plee-uh-dees) have been held [...]
Thanks to the classic movie “JAWS”, the story of the Indianapolis is known to millions as the worst shark attack [...]
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