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Mods Peter has chosen a grueling line of work. Whales are among the hardest of all animals to study. And [...]
The “wildflower meadow in a can” idea suddenly zoomed into prominence almost as soon as the idea of including wildflowers [...]
Witchcraft is also called Wicca, or alternatively, The Craft. This previously underground religion has much to teach every human about [...]
After World War II, the Soviet Union bit off a large chunk of Eastern Poland and compensated for it by [...]
November 12, 1941–Russian Winter Takes Toll on German Soldiers. On this day, the temperature on the Moscow front plummeted to [...]
Someone else knew about “Operation Orient” in Washington; Ambassador Oshmima’s message home were being decoded and read. In Toyko, Prime [...]
The N**i attack petered out by January. When it finally ended, the front lines were almost the same as they [...]
The documentary you are about to see is the story of Canadians who fought in France in the Summer of [...]
Yale University was founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School, in Killingworth, Connecticut. In 1716, the school moved to New [...]
The female prison population has more than doubled in the past decade, outpacing the rise in the number of incarcerated [...]
For more than three decades, mankind has explored the mysteries of the universe from a vantage point in space. Now [...]
For almost a century, the great ships were forgotten. Then, in 1985, an underwater explorer named Robert Ballard, found the [...]
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