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Narration Genres Free Voice Over Script

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

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Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


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Tis The Season To Be Smurfy

Ah, Smurfs. Little. Blue. Different. Plus, you have to like any language in which the word smurfy can be substituted [...]


Tornado ( from the latin word tornare-“to turn”) is the most violent storm nature produces. Essentially it’s a vortex of [...]


By 1929, patronage on the nation’s street railways was showing an alarming decline. True, part of this was due to [...]

Turkey Season

During the breeding season, male wild turkeys gobble, strut, and preen their iridescent feathers, all to attract the attention of [...]

The Country of Turkey

We’re off to Turkey, where Europe meets Asia in a whirl of color, an unforgettable mix of old and new! [...]


There are only five central Italian regions, but these are fittingly acknowledged to constitute the very heart of Italy – [...]

Tuscan Cuisine

Tuscan cuisine has a centuries-old tradition to protect. Gourmets from every age have praised its specialties and appreciated their consistent [...]

Understanding Human Security

The vast majority of scientists agree that global climate change will be one of the main challenges in the next [...]

United Nations

In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed a “Declaration by United Nations,” proposing a set [...]

Ventilation Standards

In 1946, ventilation standards for U.S. buildings were reduced by two-thirds — from an exchange rate of 30 cubic feet [...]


A volcanic vent is an opening exposed on the earth’s surface where volcanic material is emitted. All volcanoes contain a [...]

Haitian Voodoo Practices

In Haiti, where survival has often depended on family and community support systems, Vodoo is family oriented, community based, and [...]


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