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The dead are meant to move smoothly from the land of the living to their proper place among the spirits. [...]
The Koala is perhaps the best-loved of all Australia’s marsupial, or pouched, mammals. Extra thick fur, especially on the neck [...]
Sea slugs live on the ocean floor. They wear pink to say “stay away! We’re dangerous!” Katydids are most active [...]
The whole oligocene is an age of extremes – even the weather. You’ve got a long, brutally dry summer followed [...]
Our prehistoric story includes more than just big dinos. That’s right – there were some pretty cool looking mammals, just [...]
The heart is a beating muscle that pumps blood and nutrients to the body’s cells, however it also needs these [...]
A new generation of paleontologists are rewriting the history of T-Rex. New technological developments have made it possible for us [...]
Set within a lush, tropical landscape, Thailand is a theater of cultural and sensual contrasts for the visitor. The long, [...]
For 400 years, tobacco has been a pillar of American enterprise. But now it faces the most sustained assault since [...]
On this day in 1938, Martians invaded Grovers Mill, NJ—at least that’s what one and one-half million radio listeners believed. [...]
If you thought you could get invited to the White House, say, for a state dinner, would you give it [...]
The Zambezi river is 1,700 miles long from its source to its mouth on the shores of the Indian Ocean. [...]
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