Narration Genres Free Voice Over Script
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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It’s a scientific fact (or should be, anyway) that surviving winter requires an extra dose of the warm and fuzzies. [...]
If you’re searching to find out how to develop exceptional people skills, then this is going to be the most [...]
If you’re going to get back in charge at your house as soon as this tape is over, exactly how [...]
Acupressure, the Eastern method of massaging certain trigger points on the face, can help minimize fine lines. It also strengthens [...]
Entertaining at home doesn’t have to be stressful. In this series of lessons, we’ll teach you the secrets of a [...]
One Smart Workout…One Smart Machine With the Eclipse Elliptical Trainer and this short instructional video, you will lose weight… strengthen [...]
Electricity has become the most important source of energy in the world, yet no one has ever seen an electrical [...]
Telephone networks are duplex analog lines and were originally designed to carry only voice signals. But computer data is digital [...]
Traditional film cameras still hold many advantages over digital cameras, starting with their lower average cost. If you plan to [...]
Financial Engines provides investors with honest, personalized advice and portfolio management. Available online, on paper, and by phone, our advice [...]
You are about to start a lifetime trip to a world of discovery. Through fly fishing, you will learn to [...]
Our goal is to teach and explain the fundamental rules of money, wealth and debt management. More importantly, we’ll teach [...]
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