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Every day is an adventure with Activity TV. It’s the place to be for hundreds of Awesome activities in dozens [...]
Welcome to Activity TV Gross Out Puppet Theater. Everyone knows its fun to play with your food – but what [...]
Type in the letters to complete the word boy. The boy rode his bike to the park. Then click Check. [...]
Let’s make some compound words. Put two objects into the machine to make a new word. Click on the lever [...]
This My Fit Kids video shows you how to use elements of dance, hip hop, sports drills, yoga and stretching [...]
When it comes right down to it, we all gotta eat. But did you know while we snack away on [...]
The next word part you will learn is the prefix. A prefix is a word part that is attached to [...]
This Weeks Scholastic News Cover Story – A Real Education in Money! Students learn to manage their own businesses. Tiffany [...]
Sci-squad is a top secret, scientific problem-solving agency on call 24 hours a day to handle any kind of science [...]
The thing that a wave is moving through is call the medium. Water can be a medium, like the waves [...]
Welcome to Space Camp! Join us on the “Blast off to Camp Sweepstakes”, where we join the US Space and [...]
Temperature is the measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a person or object. The word comes from [...]
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