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Concentrate on the breathing as you would ride the in breath then ride the out breath. Breathe in through your [...]
Hatha Yoga practice will help you reduce anxiety, fear and stress. In a Yoga class geared toward stress reduction we [...]
If you have a self-esteem problem, you’re not alone. Everyone has some difficulties associated with a lack of self-esteem—feelings of [...]
G*d, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and [...]
Success is a journey, not a destination. Hung on the shower that fronts the Golden West, the rainbow bursts like [...]
An ancient art for today’s world…. Tai Chi imparts the experience of stability, a deep connection both to oneself and [...]
Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese system of exercise and martial arts is widely recognized as a way to increase vitality, [...]
There is a distinction between the “traveler” and the “tourist”. The Real Traveler travels off the clock. Schedules shift from [...]
Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. [...]
Welcome to the world of Yoga. Explorations of hatha yoga, body works, alternative healing, diet and other body positive practices. [...]
Start by focusing solely on your breathing. Take in a big, deep breath… and then release it. Put both hands [...]
Let yoga be your secret weapon for toning and firming the upper body. Hands, arms and shoulders are potent instruments [...]
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