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“Geography Action Rivers 2002” is an educational outreach program of the National Geographic Society in partnership with The Coca-Cola Company [...]
Who wouldn’t want to resurrect F***y Brice? She was a wonderful entertainer. And since F***y herself could not be brought [...]
Jean-Paul Marat was sitting in the bathtub when he was murdered on July 13, 1793. A teacher of languages, a [...]
Jamaica…an island of extraordinary beauty, colorful flowers, cascading waterfalls, dramatic mountain ranges and spectacular seascapes. An island of romance and [...]
Welcome to the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress. You have just come in through the west ground [...]
Our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us grows only through the accumulation of countless bits of information, laid [...]
The Museum’s collection of Old Master and nineteenth-century European paintings—one of the greatest such collections in existence—numbers approximately 2,200 works, [...]
Few Old Masters are as enduringly popular as Rembrandt and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, is proud to exhibit [...]
Let’s begin our tour here, by the statue of William Tecumseh Sherman on Fifty-Ninth Street and Fifth Avenue. You are [...]
New Zealand has to be seen to be believed. Its unusual cities are gateways to the dramatically beautiful countryside, with [...]
Welcome to the Sonic Tours Independence National Park tour. We are delighted that you’ve joined us on this self guided [...]
This is the prairie pothole region, a mosaic of grasses and wetlands. These tall grasses and wild flowers, deep rooted [...]
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