Narration Genres Free Voice Over Script
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.
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Welcome to Chase… Where the right relationship is everything. We are pleased to have you as a Chase Platinum card [...]
To use the automated provider access line for referrals and eligibility, press 1. For medical and prescription authorizations and benefit [...]
For benefits and eligibility, press 1. For medical authorizations, or to speak with health services, press 2. For prescription authorization [...]
If you already know the 3-digit code for the service you’d like to hear, please enter it now, or at [...]
Thank you for calling Continental Airlines. Your call is important to us; please stay on the line and a representative [...]
Thank you for calling the Cottage Florist. Your call is very important to us. Unfortunately, all of our lines are [...]
Thank you for calling The Aura Wellness Center. Your call will be answered in the order in which it was [...]
When I say the word sculpture, what do you think of? Maybe a statue made out of marble or bronze. [...]
Welcome to the Animal Planet Stadium in Silver Spring Maryland where the event of the year has gone to the [...]
Welcome to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. The first stop on your journey is the Cooperstown Room [...]
This artist takes Raphael’s picture as his model, but does away with the poetry and idealization, rendering her instead as [...]
Welcome to the California State Park’s Directory of Natural Resources. California’s parks are here for the entire family to enjoy. [...]
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