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Narration Genres Free Voice Over Script

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


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Expense Report Training

After completing your timesheet, hit the Next button and the Expense Report screen appears. This screen allows you to add [...]

Fannie Mae Mortgages

This video will discuss Fannie Mae’s new mortgage outreach program, targeting low-income families, minorities, and immigrants. The nation’s biggest source [...]

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Although many agencies of the Federal government have responsibilities of varying degrees relating to disasters, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, [...]

Florian Papp

For over 100 years Florian Papp has offered only the finest antiques and works of art, which covers a multitude [...]

GE Medical Systems Employee Video

Although the controlled use of ionizing radiation is widespread and highly beneficial, employees may regard its potential for harm too [...]

Getty Center

“We shall be a city upon a hill,” prophesied the Puritan leader John Winthrop more than 300 years ago, and [...]

Gillette Centers

In 1997, The Gillette Company embarked upon an extraordinary path when it awarded a gift of five million dollars to [...]

Glaxo Zantac

Zantac was the largest selling pharmaceutical product in the world for the seventh consecutive year. Revenue growth of 20% was [...]


Forging our future requires the courage to explore new dimensions. And to increase our competitive advantage, Greiner’s management is focusing [...]

Hartford 401k

Right now you’re facing one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your company. Choosing the right retirement benefits [...]

Hoechst Celanese Employee Training Film

Here at Hoechst Celanese, we make chemicals. The chemicals we make are used in turn by other companies to make [...]

Home Depot Training Video

Customer service has always been important at The Home Depot. Without customers there wouldn’t be a Home Depot. Today when [...]


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By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!

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