Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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The New York Times offers you world-class coverage of events. Overthrown governments. Acts of diplomacy. Plummeting stocks. Rising stocks. Mudslinging. [...]
To make the most of your future, make the most of yourself. New York University.
Now, get 50 issues of the New Yorker for just $18. Save $107 off the cover price and get this [...]
When you look at the news, it’s easy to forget our world isn’t just war and conflict. At Newsweek, we [...]
They both took care of business. Took care of their families. So why will one leave his family with every [...]
Some of the most useful information often comes in quiet conversations. So, maybe it’s time for you to speak with [...]
Their parents both have great jobs. Same cars. Same vacations. So why will one family be paying for college, while [...]
Companies are struggling to change… Struggling with the complexities of e-business. Well, now it can all work together as one [...]
NYC Teaching Fellows: You remember your first grade teachers name. Who will remember yours? Become a NYC Teaching Fellow. Apply [...]
VO: Some people are always thinking. Obsessed with finding better answers and solutions. For them, there’s The new Internet [...]
One Jackson Square. The bohemian. The purist. The modernist. The spirit of Greenwich Village is alive and well. 35 provocative [...]
Call for help without saying a word. Automatic Crash Notification inside Onstar equipped Chevy Vehicles will instantly alert an Onstar [...]
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