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Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


  • ADD SCRIPTS TO THIS LIBRARY! See the “Share your script” form below.
  • View ALL scripts in a category: Click a category in the left menu. Then click “View All Scripts” below the 12 that open.
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Wrocław, often referred to as the Venice of Poland, is our next stop. Explore the enchanting Market Square, cross the [...]

Shampoo – Strengthen Your Hair

Announcer: Our shampoo is infused with natural ingredients that nourish and strengthen your hair from root to tip. Woman: [Smiling [...]


As a small business owner, your to-do list is likely a mile long. The good news, we’re here to make [...]

Handcrafted Coffee

Indulge in the rich flavors of our handcrafted coffee, brewed to perfection. Each sip is a moment of pure bliss, [...]

Say No To Vouchers – Political Ad

In Texas, public education is the cornerstone of our communities, ensuring every child has access to quality schools. But imagine [...]

The Heritage Grill

Welcome to The Heritage Grill! Come casual and try our burger combo, or get dressed up and have an elegant [...]

IP Malaysian’s Production Printing Process

Welcome to IP Malaysia’s production printing process. Our objective in this video is to demonstrate how we efficiently reduce wastage [...]

Cautious Character

We need to tread lightly with this one, he’s a bit testy… Ohhh Wilfred? We’ll come back later.

Captain Friendzone

Captain Friendzone strikes again! What the h**l was that for?

B versus A

A: So close… ugh! B: What are you doing? A: I’m not doing anything B: Well, well… Just accept your [...]

Doctor to Doctor

Wow, you really are big in Japan. Sorry doc, if you can hear this – this is really gonna hurt.

Fat Tire Ale

After a trip to Europe, New Belgium’s co-founder returned to Colorado with a handful of ingredients and a simple idea. [...]


Share your script!

Proud of your writing?

Have a script that’s fun, unusual, challenging, or just very good?

By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!

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