Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!
Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!
Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.
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Hello everyone, welcome to ZHK Consultation! Today, I’m excited to share with you some valuable insights into online scholarship interviews. [...]
Remember how great it felt when Mom put your artwork on the fridge? That’s how it feels to eat our [...]
Rich stocks. Wholesome ingredients. Never frozen. You probably could live on Pret soup alone, but we’ll send a fresh baked [...]
Feel Souper. Full of good, wholesome, natural ingredients (and perfect to pair with a sandwich!)
SunChips create a sensory experience in each bite. The crispy wave of the chip swiftly disintegrates into delicious flavor. SunChips [...]
Why do consumers love SunChips? SunChips is authentic and real. SunChips is about loving life, and not needing it to [...]
I’m just a regular guy who wants the same thing everyone else wants, food, family, shelter, friends, and plenty of [...]
The great taste won’t fill you up and never lets you down. Make it a Bud Light.
Family Table. 20th March, Wednesday, 9pm. Only on Epic.
Lesson 1 of the Healthy Living series begins with a simple introduction of the course. You must complete each section [...]
Tired of frequent stops to charge your electric vehicle during long trips? Our solution: charging while you drive! Just like [...]
Think about how you called for a cab 10 years ago. Now think about your last experience in transportation. Were [...]
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Have a script that’s fun, unusual, challenging, or just very good?
By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!