Free Voiceover Scripts For Voice Actors!
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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I’ve got a problem. I think I’m becoming an ice cream snob. But I ask you, who cares about those [...]
A symphony of chocolate and caramel crème. Standing ovation optional. The next great flavor. Creamy, dreamy chocolate and caramel crème. [...]
Now, you can get unlimited long distance, plus unlimited local, toll and five calling services. Since you’re a valued Verizon [...]
Switch together and talk free with Verizon. Bring your friends, bring your family. Get new In-Network calling. You can talk [...]
Vermont College of the Union Institute is a forerunner in the field of distance learning. Balance your day-to-day life with [...]
She’ll never know you can’t afford the treatment. But you will. Veterinary Pet Insurance. Enroll today. For her sake. And [...]
Vigoro Ultra greens your lawn in 72 hours and lasts up to three months. It’s the same technology used to [...]
Vindigo is one of the industry’s leading mobile media companies. The company publishes and distributes mobile media through a network [...]
You’re watching a bad movie. She puts her hand on your knee. You’re watching the greatest movie in the history [...]
Imagine a world where coffee breaks last all day, and where your cup is always full. (liquid pours) Thank you! [...]
Afraid the “you” shopping online isn’t you? Now Visa offers a service to help alleviate that fear. Introducing Verified by [...]
When you shop online this holiday season, get added security with Verified by Visa. By using a personalized password for [...]
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