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You Fool! The power contained within these orbs is enough to turn one into a living g*d…All I have to [...]
The following programming is brought to you by McClarity Timepieces, the finest in Irish wristwatches. *static* Ladies and gentlemen, this [...]
Officially it’s called Jack Daniel’s. Old Time Old Number 7 Brand. Quality Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey. But you can ask [...]
Scene One: A villager confronts the Inquisitor, who is passing through the area. You are playing the part of the [...]
Hey, y’all, this is Bubba! Now, y’all like getting’ out in the woods, right? Well, the folks down at Florida [...]
When he holds a lady’s purse, he looks manly. He once won the Tour-de-France, but was disqualified for riding a [...]
Let’s go! Let’s go! Fire up your burners boys, we got bogeys on our 6. Meet back up at the [...]
(All out of breath….) Sorry for being a bit tardy, you know the traffic on the motorway and all. I [...]
Just an animated duck auditioning for role of spokesduck for an impressive insurance company. At Aflac, we’re here to help [...]
8,000 years ago my dad told me that I will die at 85, but I’m still here. Actually, I have [...]
My name is Jack Knight. I never knew my father, but his secret, is bringing a curse upon me. I [...]
We don’t cotton to your kind coming around here, Mr. Big City Hypnotist! Always waving your watch in front of [...]
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