Audiobook Free Voice Over Script
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Respected sir, When I got to the top of the building, I found that the hurricane had knocked some bricks [...]
Sophie couldn’t sleep. A brilliant moonbeam was slanting through the gap in the curtains. It was shinning right onto her [...]
I completed my research and began writing this book several years ago. One morning in the middle of my writing [...]
NORMANDY BEACHHEAD, June 16, 1944 – I took a walk along the historic coast of Normandy in the country of [...]
On any clear day in Portland, Oregon, the view to the east reveals 11,000-ft. Mount Hood, a dormant volcano looming [...]
1. This is it. 2. There are no hidden meanings. 3. You can’t get there from here, and besides there [...]
Cheer up Hamlet, Chin up Hamlet, Buck up you melancholy Dane. So, your uncle is at hand, Murdered Dad and [...]
“The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous. Power concedes nothing without [...]
“It’s a slow day in the small town of Pumphandle and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is [...]
The basic question is this: given human nature, are any of us really capable of change? The mistakes other people [...]
I find that education, it don’t matter where you go to school, Italy, America, Brazil, all are the same — [...]
Now since it was preparation day, in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, [...]
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