Audiobook Free Voice Over Script
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Tarquin and the Eagle As Tullus Hostilius was dead, the Romans wished to elect a new king; and they soon [...]
Sophia DeBussi’s husband was gone. As in…disappeared. Nowhere to be found. At ninety feet, the Legacy was a sizable yacht—Skip [...]
A changing room is halfway between a meeting room and a bathroom. It’s the only place where you have to [...]
They say the devil makes work for idle hands. He also makes work for other parts of the body and [...]
Something was burning all right; perhaps it was Mr. Prothero, who always slept there after midday dinner with a newspaper [...]
I was keenly conscious of the comrades-in-arms who had fallen with me. A bond surpassing by a hundredfold that which [...]
Over the past 20 years, as technology grew at a rapid pace to gave us the Internet, smartphones and instant [...]
Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring, Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d [...]
We value friends, but the path of friendship, like love, rarely runs smooth. We may feel jealous of a friend’s [...]
But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!– Arise, fair sun, [...]
Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr, a ridiculous kitten with silky fur. Little black Pinkle grew and grew till [...]
What intrigues me most about laughter is how it spreads. It’s almost impossible not to laugh when everybody else is. [...]
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