Hardware & Software Recommendations

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  • #15497
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    Need a little advice on picking out the right mic? Or, having trouble finding the DAW that works best for you? This is the perfect Forum to ask other members of the community their advice! See if they know about a product that may be a better fit for your voice and technical skills.

    Remember, this is a community forum that is centered around positive reinforcement – it’s not a place to criticize other people. Please do not post negative reviews of other products or services; let’s keep things positive!

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  • #97727

    Hello, I am Ani Singh, a technical expert, and I’m fully prepared to present you with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for roadrunner email login.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by jhon23.
  • #94640

    Hi all. I have been trying to do some research into the potential health risks of rockwool for room treatment panels. Some say that any inhaled fibers from rockwool break down entirely and have no long term affect. Others are convinced that even the shortest term presence after inhalation is enough to cause permanent damage.

    I am at a point where I don’t know what is right. Without some undisputed evidence that rockwool is safe, I will never be able to create a treated room for recording, and I will be left in a crowded front door coat closet. Any perspectives are welcome.


  • #84922

    I’ve been finding myself traveling a lot this year but am worried about taking my equipment since I’m not sure if it’ll last as long with the constant travel.

    Anyone have recommendations for a more travel friendly solution to packing up all my equipment for each trip? (Preferably one that doesn’t require an interface?)

  • #84666

    Hi All – looking for affordable Mic & portable booth suggestions. I currently use a Blue Snowball ice mic, which I’m looking to upgrade from (but not break the bank expensive). In regards to a portable booth – I’m currently in a NYC Apt with no closet space to create a booth. So I’m looking for affordable suggestions on how to create a portable booth to work out of/minimize background noise. I’ve looked at the small box style “booths” that cover the mic and head for recording, as well as somehow creating a pop-up booth that can easily break down to store when not in use (although I have limited space for this, and really want something that would be easy to set-up/take down). Not sure which would be best to go with however.

    Thanks for any suggestions thrown my way!

    • #95830
      Brian Lakes

      Hi RCori,

      For the portable booth look at vocalboothstogo.com. I purchased mine from there. I have mine in a basement away from all windows and I did add some more sound proofing materials. When tested it meets the sound floor specs for ACX. For microphones take a look at the Audio-Technica AT875R. I just switched to this from my Shure and am really loving it. Good Luck!!

  • #80696

    this is actually very nice platform

  • #78388
    Gracie Vaughn

    Additionally, Kevin, Edge’s audio engineer, can likely respond more succinctly if you ask your student advisor to ask him.
    magento 2 migration service

  • #75324

    This is really good platform for everyone.

  • #71651

    Hello, all. I’m in the process of acquiring the equipment for my home studio. I got the mic, the computer, but I’m having trouble finding the third essential ingredient: a good AD/DA audio converter. The class I took recommended one with a mixing n*b for going between the input sound and the DAW sound, but none of the local shops have anything like that and searching online has been a real bear. Anyone know a good converter rig, or at the very least a better way to look for one? This sole problem is what’s holding me up from finishing my home studio and making a demo.

  • #69872

    Hi, I want to get serious about my Voice Over business and I need a new computer. What are the key specs I should be looking for in purchasing a new laptop or PC?

  • #67197

    Hi all. I’ve been practising VO as a hobby for a number of years now, and in the past year have really focused on getting professional coaching, building a good recording space and having all the right equipment. I recently recorded my first demo through Edge (from my self-built in-home booth) and am now about to start doing auditions. I’m working on the profile I will post at online audition sites, and I see that on a number of them they ask you to identify what you have available to do directed sessions. I’ve done a bit of research into ipDTL and Source Connect, but have a couple questions.

    When we recorded my demo, I know it was done with ipDTL. I haven’t personally purchased the ipDTL software, but does the fact that I was able to do the demo recording from my booth mean that I can list ipDTL as one of my options for a directed recording? I assume that would require the client to have the ipDTL software?

    The Source Connect software is fairly expensive for someone just starting out and not yet making any money (Standard version is a $35/mth subscription or a one-time $650 purchase). I see they offer a 2-day license for $25, so I was thinking I could probably list Source Connect as one of the options I have available, and just get the 2-day license if/when I book a job. Anyone foresee any issues with doing that, at least until/if I start booking enough jobs to warrant subscribing or purchasing? Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks. Toque.

    • #67284

      Someone more qualified please confirm if you do know.

      To my understanding – For ipDTL, the client (ie; you) will always be accessible, where as the host has to worry about the program aspects such as license purchasing and such. So long as you have an ethernet connection and a solid ISP (like you did for the demo), I don’t see why you couldn’t list it in your profile.

      Also, If you ask your student advisor to ask Edge’s Audio Engineer, Kevin, he can probably answer more definitively.

      Personally I wouldn’t invest in source connect until you are coming across clients who need/obligate it and it’s in your range. Voice actors I know who use source connect are established enough that they’ve already invested in the superfancy $1000 Neumann mic and are taking on high profile jobs. By nature, it’s for jobs that require other ears and instant feedback. Again to my understanding, until you’re established and have enough reputation, the kinda work you book will be self directed so don’t over-prepare if your budget is a concern. I can’t say anything about the utility itself or the trial license.

      That’s about all I can say, but yeah, talk to some of the edge coordinators. No offence but a lot of the people participating in our forums don’t have solid experience in the field or have even made a demo (myself included -.-) so we can’t speak from experience.

      Hope that makes sense-
      Alex M

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