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Hey gang…!

Doing a little practice these days. Since it has been a while, thought I would see how you think I am doing.

In states across America,
Voters decide gambling issues.
Floridians once had that power, too.
With Amendment 3, we will again.
Amendment 3 restores control of gambling to voters
Not politicians
Not gambling lobbyists
That’s why gambling lobbyists are spending millions falsely attacking Amendment 3
They don’t want voters in charge
Florida’s top newspapers agree
Put the power in the hands of the voters
By voting YES to Amendment 3

Voting Record
Election season is here.
Remember, who you vote for is secret
But whether you vote is public information
Your friends, family, and neighbors can look up your voting record
This year, whether by mail, early, or on Nov 2nd
Be sure to Make a Plan to Vote!
And after the election your voting record will be updated based on your participation on Nov 2nd
So, Vote, on or by Nov 2nd.

I know the room is in the mix a lot more than I would like, so ignore that…!

Thanks for your time.


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