Working Remotely

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  • #17327
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    This is a place for you to share with one another all the tips and tricks that you’ve discovered that have helped you in working remotely, especially during this time of pandemic.  Whether that is sharing workflow tips, equipment suggestions, or simply sharing your story.

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  • #98814
    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by farqfish.
  • #98806

    I am currently renting a studio for my auditions that has a noise floor of about -30 dB before my fx chain (effects rack from George) brings it down below -60 dB. (I think the -30 dB roomtone doesn’t sound too bad in this instance). Is it seen as unprofessional if, when I hypothetically booked a job using this studio where the job was looking to have the booking recorded at a remote studio, I then opted to rent a higher end studio with better noise floor before processing? I’m not sure if they would have vetted the first studio in the audition, then would be upset if I wanted to change to have better raw audio. Attached are samples of my VO in the studio before and after processing with roomtone at the end.


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago by farqfish.
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  • #93562

    I am someone who prefers an office setting but I love the flexibility of working from home. Does anyone have advice as to keeping a good balance of working and not letting the work become 24/7? Also how do you stay motivated when work is slow?

  • #90916

    Working remotely has become a defining trend in today’s professional landscape. With advancements in technology and the changing dynamics of the workplace, remote work offers flexibility, allowing employees to work from home, coffee shops, or anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility provides opportunities for improved work-life balance and the ability to customize one’s work environment. While it has its advantages, remote work also poses challenges such as potential isolation and the need for self-discipline. Adaptability and effective communication are key to success in the remote work environment.
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    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by davi342.
  • #87313

    Thanks for the information.

  • #87289

    What is your biggest challenge working remotely? Productivity and organization It’s difficult to stick to a schedule and get all the tasks done. But this gets even harder for remote workers. Managing your to-dos can be challenging when you work from home and have such a flexible routine and distractions. An organized schedule is critical to staying productive.

  • #86632

    Thanks for the information..

  • #85460

    ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) technology was commonly used in the past for remote connectivity, but it has largely been replaced by newer technologies such as broadband internet and virtual private networks (VPNs).

    ISDN modems and routers were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s because they provided a reliable and secure connection for remote access to a network. However, ISDN technology is now considered outdated and has been largely replaced by faster and more efficient broadband internet connections.

    Today, VPNs are the most common way for remote workers to connect securely to a client’s network. VPNs use encryption to create a secure tunnel between the remote user’s device and the client’s network, allowing the remote user to access network resources as if they were connected locally.

    While ISDN technology may still be used in some specific situations, such as in areas where broadband internet is not available, it is generally not considered the go-to equipment for remote connectivity in most cases. Instead, modern technologies like VPNs and cloud-based services are commonly used to provide secure and reliable remote access to networks and resources.

  • #84970

    Hi, I’ve been working remotely since pandemic started. Mostly I took different projects on Upwork. It was comlicated at the beginning, but then I started to get more and more different projects related to VA and different search projects. I guess what I’ve learned is that on Upwork you should always try to contact employers, but now it’s quite difficult, because you need to pay for it.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by marySQ.
  • #84489

    No, an ISDN modem is no longer the go-to equipment for connecting remotely to a client. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) technology was widely used in the past for digital communication over the telephone network. However, with the proliferation of high-speed internet and wireless connectivity, ISDN has largely been replaced by faster and more reliable technologies.

    Today, remote access to clients is typically accomplished using a virtual private network (VPN), which provides a secure and encrypted connection over the internet. VPNs can be used to connect to a client’s network from anywhere in the world, as long as there is an internet connection available.

    In addition to VPNs, other technologies such as remote desktop software and cloud-based services are commonly used to connect to client networks and systems. These options allow remote access to applications, data, and resources, without the need for specialized hardware like an ISDN modem.
    So, in summary, while ISDN technology was commonly used in the past for remote connectivity, it has largely been replaced by newer and more advanced technologies like VPNs and remote desktop software.

    • #84532

      Hello good morning
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