eLearning & Education Free Voice Over Script
Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!
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After completing your timesheet, hit the Next button and the Expense Report screen appears. This screen allows you to add [...]
Although the controlled use of ionizing radiation is widespread and highly beneficial, employees may regard its potential for harm too [...]
Here at Hoechst Celanese, we make chemicals. The chemicals we make are used in turn by other companies to make [...]
Customer service has always been important at The Home Depot. Without customers there wouldn’t be a Home Depot. Today when [...]
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has issued the Hazard Communication Standards which helps to assure your safety and [...]
Here at Shell we’ve worked hard to create a safe and efficient work environment. Click the 3 links at the [...]
Receiving your benefits enrollment kit can be an overwhelming experience. But have no fear, resources are available to help you [...]
Welcome to Advantage Technology Incorporated and to the excitement and challenges of a growing business. As a new employee, your [...]
Hi kids, I’m Mopey the donkey, and I’m here to help guide you through this program. Any time that you [...]
Hey, somebody ripped up this picture? I can’t even tell what it was — can you? Is it a horse… [...]
[As we push in toward Frog’s log, we hear music.] NARRATOR: “One fine morning in Word World, the sound of [...]
[Frog, wearing his aviator’s cap and goggles atop his head, hops toward a hangar. Bug and Bee fly behind him, [...]
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