Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #78340

    Here are two commercials. Any feedback on aspects such as pacing or pronunciation would be very much appreciated.
    Thank you.

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    • #78353


      The overall pace on the Purina one is good, but it feels a little measured in a way that prevents the read from sounding conversational. Pronunciation sounds good to me.

      For Pizza Hut, the pronunciation of mozzarella doesn’t sound entirely natural to my ear. Most people don’t emphasize the “z” and start it out like “mot.” The pacing starts off strong, but I think it slows down and your pauses get a bit long toward the end.

      Nice job overall.

  • #78335

    Hey guys! I have a couple of reads for my homework assignment. Been out of the loop for a bit.
    My very first attempt at a movie trailer read! Thanks in advance for any constructive feedback.


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    • #78339

      I like your tone of voice and your pronunciation. I can understand each word that you were saying. However, the pacing in the Alexander the Great trailer felt kind of choppy or a bit shaky.
      As for the Hudson-Yard trailer, it had a better flow in comparison to the alexander trailer.

  • #78318

    Hey everyone,

    A couple new reads. The first is an introduction to a tech product called Apache Spark. It felt like a bit of a tongue twister just based on how it’s written, so good practice. The second read is an introduction to the philanthropic foundation. It’s a bit of a long read that posed challenges all it’s own. I look forward to any and all feedback – thanks!

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    • #78362

      Hi Twstark,
      Nice job on these reads and all the tongue twisters! I agree with edixon310 I could hear your reads on somewhere like the discovery channel. When you slow down I really hear where you’re hitting those key words. When its alittle fast they sound a little more clustered and its a little harder to differentiate I hear this at the beginning of Apache-spark. Your pacing for the hewlett foundation was good, I can hear all of your variations nicely with this read and you executed it really well.

      • #78396

        Thanks for this great feedback. I will work to keep my pacing even during reads!

    • #78321

      These are both great, technical reads. It sounds like what you’d hear on PBS at the end of one of their shows. Not sure if you’re aware, they both cut off right at the end.
      The pitch and pacing were good. There is a little bit of static during the read, barely noticeable.
      Great job!

      • #78397

        Thanks a lot for the feedback. My natural tone definitely fits into the realm of the PBS/Discovery Channel type of read. No kids cartoons for me! Also, thanks for letting me know about the static. I’ve discovered that sometimes my Mac seems to struggle a little with a clean bounce and can add a little static if I rush it or have other programs operating in the background simultaneously. I’ll watch out for that.

  • #78315

    Hi guys. I am looking for feedback on a skit I wrote for my bio. Let me know what you think.

    • #78316

      Let me try this again.
      Hi guys. I am looking for feedback on a skit I wrote for my bio. Let me know what you think.

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      • #78361

        You have such a creative mind set. This is great, you kept my attention the entire time and I really like how you mixed it all together to showcase your different characters voices. Really nice bio!

      • #78345

        Ha! I love this. This is a very creative approach and one that I haven’t heard before. Would you classify your voice as a “jazzy” voice?

        I’m also curious if bios are typically this long in length as well.

        Overall, great read!

        • #78348

          Appreciate it.
          I suppose you could say my voice is a bit ‘jazzy.’ At least in this skit. Honestly, I was making it up as I went along and that just popped into my head.
          Demos aren’t typically this long, but a lot of reads are. I use this when I am asked to showcase what I can do. It also serves as a plug of sorts.

  • #78306
    Titus Nichols

    Any and all feedback is welcomed!

    I Am Anxiety

    I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me?
    Oh! You still don’t know who I am. Let me try and help you with that. . .I am the ill ease that you feel when you walk into a crowded room. You know. The hot and cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough. I am the one that raises the whip to your already raising heart. I am the tightening of your chest. The s*********g worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and they can just bury you in an instant.
    My friend, I am the obsessive and the compulsive. I’m the voice. You know the one. Always questioning, questioning, questioning, everything you do, everything you think. And I am every, single staring eye that watches you. So, now that we have become acquainted, what are you going to do about it?
    Tag: 1 in 4 people experience anxiety. And most don’t know about it. You need to know anxiety to be free from it.
    Visit or call 1300 22 4636.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Titus Nichols.
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    • #78314

      I must admit that this read threw me a bit. I only read the first couple of lines, and I was expecting caricature when you started off, but when you got to the tag, I realized why you were reading it the way you were.
      This needed to be more poetic than character, and that’s what you did, because this was a more serious read.
      The only thing I would add is to be a bit more conversational in your delivery.

      • #78325
        Titus Nichols

        Thank you!

        When you say “conversational” what do you mean? Should I talk faster and with a bit higher tone so it doesn’t sound so “doom & gloom”?

        • #78332

          Picture yourself talking to a friend about a controversial call in the game last night. How would your delivery change?
          I suppose that would make the pace a bit faster, but not necessarily. But you want to give the impression that you are speaking extemporaneously.

  • #78303

    Playstation 5 Practice Read.

    Hey everyone, here’s my practice read for Playstation 5. Any and all feedback is welcomed! Thanks in advance

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    • #78371

      Hi Thomas! Love how resonant your voice is in this! I would be curious to hear it a bit more emotive at the top, but thought that really came through in the ending. The final call to action felt so specific.

    • #78313

      Nice Job! You’ve got a voice that would be great for narration. I would add a little more feeling behind the words. This read reminded me of the Star Trek open. Of course, William Shatner is always over the top, but I would try to emulate his emotive read. You’ll find your grove in there somewhere.

      • #78344

        Great feedback edixon310! I’ll look into some of Shatners voice overs

  • #78294

    Hi all, this is my first homework assignment. Two commercial reads. I’d love any feedback, thank you.


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    • #79072

      You sound super good! My only note is that there is some background noise, but that can be easily fixed. Great job!

    • #78326
      Titus Nichols

      You have a very conversational tone. It was very open, friendly, and youthful.

    • #78322

      Hi Esalguera,
      You have a nice vocal approach that highlights what you say. I thought your pace and diction were good and they were both conversational. I liked that you hit Blue but wanted to hear that hit with 0%. You did great hitting everything for Trendi really making it stand out. Nice job!

      • #78330

        I agree, the Blue was a bit intense. Thank you!

  • #78288

    Howdy folks,

    Find attached my own very first homework-read, assigned by my coach, and based on the script at

    Thanks for your time, attention, and feedback!

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    • #78372


      I love your voice and tone for this read! I would be careful with your diction on some words (Subsidiary kind of sounded like “subsidary” (@ 5 seconds) and policy holders kind of sounded like “Paulsy holders” (@ 20 seconds)).

      One thing my coach always tells me is to think about my audience. I love when you emphasize “never” when saying “NEVER invested in real estate….” it really felt like you were trying to convince the listener to trust Amica. I think leaning more into that and really thinking about trying to convince someone to trust Amica while you read would take this already great read to the next level. Keep up the great work!!!!! Hope this made sense!

    • #78323

      Hi Jmacdotorg,
      I like your pace for this read, you have a good narrative voice. Something I noticed with your read is the way you pronounced AMICA. I believe its pronounced “Ameeka”not “ah mic a” so I would be careful with pronouncing the client’s name. There are some others words to be mindful of with your diction. Otherwise keep it up!

  • #78276

    Two new takes of both Narration and Commercial. Please leave feedback to see how well I did.

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    • #78352

      Hi Dillon:

      These are nice. I would consider more of a transition during the pizza hut one for the different types of thoughts: when you switch to “see kids” and then the tag at the end. Same sort of feedback on the Youth Mentoring one. There’s probably an opportunity to change the tone as you start specifically talking about the mentees. Maybe really imagine them and the relationship you have with them and it will come out in the read.

  • #78262

    It’s Chevy Truck Month and time to add the perfect accessories to your new Chevy. Make it bolder and work harder. Make it your own. Find new possibilities….and new roads. Very qualified buyers can get 0 percent financin’ on most Chevy pickup trucks….plus now during Chevy Truck Month get a thousand dollar accessory allowance toward the eligible purchase of a new Chevy truck with accessories. Find new roads at your Chevy dealer.

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    • #78305
      Titus Nichols

      The background music was a nice touch. I liked that you added the personal touch of “financin'” instead of “financing” to really create the “down home country” appeal for the voice.

    • #78302

      Love the addition of the music in this Bil-Bo! The only feedback I had was maybe adding a little more excitment and energy during ” Make it bolder and work harder. Make it your own. Find new possibilities”. Other than that, this sounded great

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