For the first recording, there were parts that sounds like you were a bit short on breath. I think fixing the pacing here would make it more conversational.
For the second recording, pacing sounded a lot better! It also sounded a more conversational. However, I felt like the excitement in your voice drop off a bit, but I am not sure if that was the tone you were going for.
For the third read, you really drove it home with getting the audience to buy into what you were selling! However, there were parts again where you sounded a bit short on breath. I would say this is my favorite of the three. If you can use the emotion on this read, and the pacing of the second recording, it will sound amazing. Good job!
I thought these both had a great tone and pacing.
Everything was enunciated and clear.
I did notice a breath in your estee-lauder read, so I would suggest breathing more discreetly or finding a less noticeable time for a breath.
Also, I think you should loosen up more on the snapple read. It seems like it’s supposed to be a little comical and there are instances where you sound a bit stiff.
Listened to Snapple and really liked it. I liked the pacing, punching where you needed to, change in pitch with different flavors but the biggest credit is making that announcer like voice. I could picture it being broadcast in a store via PA. Nice.
I think you approached this well, as it is serious. I would try and determine what the most important words are in the script and be sure to emphasize them, only because it sounds like almost everything is being emphasized. The last “because” did not sound as confident as you might have meant to make it; It sounded a bit shakey.
You delivered this with the gravity the subject matter deserved. While I think a read like this could benefit from less breath noises, I think you definitely have the right approach to the copy.
Hello friends and cohorts – below is audition I never got to send – posting expired before I replied – (got to be fast!!). It is a character ad for local radio for a roofing company. Direction was: “this is for animated giraffe Archie, the mascot of the local roofing company – bubbly, fun, playful, chipper and enthusiastic.” Tell me what you think – thank you!! Lance (I did not edit out all the breaths since this was an audition)
The sound is really great! Can definitely tell you have a good set-up. And I can picture the character very clearly. It felt a little slow and the emphasized words in the last sentence felt a bit awkward.
Hello Everyone,
First time posting here. I am uploading these for my “homework” and would appreciate some feedback. Looking for two things: 1) How does the audio sound, recording from my home studio? and 2) How is my overall performance?
Thank you.
I’ll echo some of the other comments – the beer ad was perhaps a little overly serious. It would be great to hear it delivered a little more conversationally. There were some mouth noises here and there, but the overall quality was very pleasing to the ears – you have a wonderful voice!
You have a great voice for cars and beer! Great work. I wanted a little more dynamics in the Sam Adams one. I love the “manly” feel but it felt a little all one note.
Hey BB123 – as for technical – I can hear the force of your p and t . . .are you using a Pop filter? and you may wish to turn down your gain – you may be peaking (I find it a little loud). and a couple of mouth clicks – remember to hydrate a lot (I have this issue all the time). Your voice and tone are cool and deep and warm, and you sound natural- not forced or announcery. I don’t know what direction the Sam Adams ad might have had, but you sound so very serious – maybe too serious for a beer ad? Did you have someone in mind that you were talking to? Slow the pace on the car spot – and again think about who you are telling this info to. Good job! Lance
Hello Cheechman – your tone and deep richness bring an authority to you read in all cases. Whenever you have a list of things, vary the tone of each part of the list so they sound different – otherwise they all sound the same and the list gets lost. You had lists in several of your reads below and all cases, you should vary the tone. I hear you reading the scripts – but I want to hear you having a conversation and talking to someone . . .try picturing someone you are telling this to – I think this will help to reduce your announcer sound. Good jobs – Lance (and a note to you – a pop filter does not affect the s sounds – only has affect on sounds that push a lot of air out in front of your face – like P or T)
You have a perfect voice for these types of projects. But I think you can work on making your sentences flow a little more. It sounded a bit too rehearsed at points. And on the Trump ones, I think you could have gone further with the assertiveness.
I thought this sounded like a great radio ad. I prefer the crayola-2 rather than 4 because it didn’t sound as confident and the inflections/cadences on certain words/phrases didn’t sound like they were placed where you might have wanted them.
I might suggest sounding slightly more enthused, only to keep the listener’s attention.
The sound quality is really great! And totally believable “mom” voice. The thoughts felt a little choppy at points and that was distracting, especially in the first line. Maybe work on connecting thoughts and driving the through-line.