Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #78810

    A few more to round out this session! Thank you!

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    • #78836
      Logan DFD

      Great work! You have a good voice!

      Don’t have any feedback on the Carnation-Essentials read or the Fresh read, they sound great! The Cosmos read might need more pitch variation. I notice because I struggle with it too. The Star Wars read was good too. The only pointer I have on that one is that, knowing the full scene, the line needs to be delivered a bit more desperate and crazy.

      That’s all! Keep up the good work!

  • #78795

    Hey guys! Back with more reads. Any and all feedback appreciated!

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    • #78891

      You have a great sound and great delivery. The only recording I thought could use some more polish, was the real estate one. The words were just the tiniest bit garbled in that one.

  • #78778

    I am looking for some feedback please! Just getting started here.
    Thanks so much!

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    • #79068

      I love your accent! The only thing I would say would be to put a little more emotion into the reads, maybe try adding in a lead in? Great work!

    • #78890

      You have a lovely voice, very pleasant to listen to and very easy to understand. For constructive suggestions: I’d work on a bit of variety in the reading. It was bit one note for me. Great start!

    • #78850

      You have a very unique voice with a lovely accent. The sound treatment you have sounds good to my ear but there are distinct mouth clicks which are easily removed with different plugins like iZotope. Example at :10 on the first read. There is another click at :45 which is something other than a mouth click on the second read and a pause that I’m not sure needs to be there. Add a little bit of pitch change so you aren’t “reading” throughout but all in all you’ve got the stuff to do great in my opinion.

  • #78751

    Hello Everyone –

    I’m seeking some feedback on the attached brief recordings. One is a redo of a recording that I posted a few weeks back (Math PSA). Thanks in advance for your time.

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    • #78789

      Hello tstuger,

      You have a lovely warm voice. I would suggest thinking more about the audience you are talking to. When talking about Covid-19 and students, I would imagine there should be more a sense of urgency and reassurance to get these kids back on track. Other than that, both recordings sounded great!

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by fchappell.
      • #78857

        Thanks so much for the suggestion. I appreciate the feedback.

    • #78755

      Listened to both takes and you have a nice voice. The post edit however sounds different between the two, like they were recorded in different rooms. Math PSA in opinion sounds much cleaner and is a much more pleasant read. Nice work.

      • #78859

        Thanks so much for the feedback. Yes-re the variance in recording quality. After recording the Covid one I realized I didn’t turn on my microphone- so that recording is from my laptop’s mic.

  • #78741

    Good Evening,

    Hoping for some feedback as I prep for my commercial demo. Does it sound conversational? Diction and pacing? Thank you. Ryan.

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    • #78800

      Nice job on both reads overall. I would say Ziploc was the stronger of the two. I actually did that one for my practice as well. Purina — pacing was good other than the pause. Maybe a lighten up the tone just a bit. Ziploc — very solid. Good pacing, good diction. And like others said, bring out the smile!

      • #78805

        Thank you for the feedback!

    • #78794
      Tim Kraft

      Nice smooth voice, great diction (wish I and that! Always working on it) and the record quality sounds fine. I think the tone of both could be a bit lighter/fun, especially Purina since pets are great for humor. Do you have both reads planned for your demo? I only ask because to my ear, your voice seems like a natural for luxury brands, computer/tech or anything “dad-centric”…perhaps more than for everyday consumer goods.

      Best of luck with the demo! I’m recording a narration demo next week, so pardon me if I’m a little obsessed with scripts and what bests showcases each voice. I’m in the thick of it!

      • #78804

        Thank you! I’m always working on bringing out the smile and fun side. Not gonna use these for demo, but as you mentioned will be doing things more like John Deere, or Lowes, and Dad stuff. These help me open up a little more since I’m not great with the emotive side. Really appreciate it. I did my narration demo late last year and working on my commercial now. Best of luck to you!

    • #78791

      Hello RBenesVO,

      Great reads! Regarding the first one for Purina, I feel as though there could be more warmness and pep in your voice. Imagine talking to a friend who is also a fellow pet owner, and you are really excited to recommend a new pet food for them. Other than that, I thought the pacing was excellent, and your voice is very smooth.

      The second read was solid. Sounded conversational, good diction, and great pacing. IF I had to nitpick, I would probably recommend bringing out that “smile” as others have recommended.

    • #78787

      They were very straight forward with no excitement in your voice.
      Maybe think about your talking to an actual friend. I have the same problem.
      Ever hear of the emotional wheel? Goggle it, it had helped me.

      • #78803

        Many thanks. Great advice, just looked it up. I’ll try and use that to help incorporate some emotion!

    • #78750

      I thought these were really good. You have a very smooth voice. I thought that the pacing and diction on both were also good. My only critiques would be that on the Purina piece, there was an audible breath at the 16 second mark right before “your canary will thank you…” I also think that your diction and pacing were good in the Ziplock piece. The only point that I would say in that one would be that it seemed a tad serious for a ziplock ad – the tone could be somewhat lighter – maybe ending with a smile.

      • #78754

        Much appreciated, I’ve always struggled with adding that “smile”.

  • #78733

    #8 of 10

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    • #78894
      Tim Kraft

      Overall I think you nailed this one! Your voice is a great match to the topic (trusting and concerned, as an insurance company SHOULD be). It’s 15 seconds exactly, which is likely what the script writer intended so the pacing is perfect. Ending with a question is tough, so many ways to handle but I think you did it well. Nice job!

    • #78744

      Great voice. Read and pacing is good. Perhaps make it more of a question at the end. Are you really in good hands?

  • #78729

    #7 out of 10

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Cheechman.
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    • #78745

      Similar to the other read I listed to you have a great voice for it. I’d add more inflection with “the future” and “NOW”. The future sounded like it was a repeated line at first because they are identical sounding at 11 and 14 seconds.

  • #78720

    Here is # 6 of m y session 2 readings.

    I like 2 and 3 the most, but am looking for your opinions.

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    • #78792

      Hello Cheechman,

      Solid reads!

      For the first recording, there were parts that sounds like you were a bit short on breath. I think fixing the pacing here would make it more conversational.

      For the second recording, pacing sounded a lot better! It also sounded a more conversational. However, I felt like the excitement in your voice drop off a bit, but I am not sure if that was the tone you were going for.

      For the third read, you really drove it home with getting the audience to buy into what you were selling! However, there were parts again where you sounded a bit short on breath. I would say this is my favorite of the three. If you can use the emotion on this read, and the pacing of the second recording, it will sound amazing. Good job!

  • #78709

    And a couple more!

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    • #78982
      Rachel MSP

      I thought these both had a great tone and pacing.
      Everything was enunciated and clear.
      I did notice a breath in your estee-lauder read, so I would suggest breathing more discreetly or finding a less noticeable time for a breath.
      Also, I think you should loosen up more on the snapple read. It seems like it’s supposed to be a little comical and there are instances where you sound a bit stiff.

    • #78746

      Listened to Snapple and really liked it. I liked the pacing, punching where you needed to, change in pitch with different flavors but the biggest credit is making that announcer like voice. I could picture it being broadcast in a store via PA. Nice.

  • #78707

    Another practice recording! Notes appreciated 🙂

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    • #78985
      Rachel MSP

      I think you approached this well, as it is serious. I would try and determine what the most important words are in the script and be sure to emphasize them, only because it sounds like almost everything is being emphasized. The last “because” did not sound as confident as you might have meant to make it; It sounded a bit shakey.

    • #78740

      You delivered this with the gravity the subject matter deserved. While I think a read like this could benefit from less breath noises, I think you definitely have the right approach to the copy.

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