Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #94012
    Treva Dean

    Hi all!

    I’d love some feedback on my conversational tone. Any other feedback is also welcome! Thanks in advance!

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    • #94169
      Brian Lakes

      Hi Treva!
      Nice read. I would slow down just a bit with the sentence that starts “Contrary” as that sounds fast and let the “Wellbeing” make it self heard. Keep up the great work!

  • #93906
    Kaylee Kurkierewicz

    Hi y’all! Looking for creative feedback (no technical please, just recording on my phone) on two potential copies for my commercial demo. I’d love feedback on pacing/tone variations and I’m working on making sure everything flows together and doesn’t sound choppy or too pause-y when I read. Thank you so much!

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    • #93997
      Terra Ashe

      Trivago- Nice read, very fun and casual
      “Alright Trivago” kinda sounded like a lead in, but I assume it’s supposed to be part of the commercial, in which case I would use lead in so you’re on from the beginning.
      “and trivago my friends love to party” can be smoothed out a bit.
      I think because there is so much of oooh what about this and oooh what about that in this commerical copy it would be helpful to do a few different lead ins for different parts of the script (and then just edit out the lead ins) to help with variation from the ocean views to massage to partying since they are all very different vacation options.
      One other thing which is an easy fix, at one point you say “and Trivago” then goes into the parting bit but on “and” I’m not hearing the d on it, so it sounds like “in Trivago”

      Indeed- Also nice read, really nice tone.
      I think you can slow down those first 3 words they go by really fast. I’d just add a few extra vowels to the first word to help elongate it. I would take a slight step off how much you’re emphasizing the different words in the your mom has made it her job to find you a job bit. It’s definitely makes sense to put some emphasis, its a funny part of the script the word job is said like 3 times, but you can reel it back just a little. Lastly, I would do more of a tone shift from the first beat of the script(no job, move back home, moms in your business) to the second beat of Indeed has a solution, maybe brighter, happier, more of a smile. You state the problem, now here is the solution.

      Great job! Take whatever was feedback helpful and leave the rest!

  • #93661

    Hi all. This is a narration recording. All feedback is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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    • #94016
      Treva Dean

      I agree about maybe adding a smile to your read, to pep it up a little. I also think it would be good to focus on which words *need* to be emphasized. At one point you were saying you’d tell the listener to pause so they could walk to an area, and the word “walk” was emphasized. My coach has been on me about this, so that’s probably why it stood out, lol.

    • #94001
      Terra Ashe

      I think this was really nice! You had a lovely tone, and a really nice pace. My only thoughts were that I would slow down “Welcome to Gordan College” just a little, especially the first word but just a bit. And I would add a little more smile to your tone, just make it a little brighter. But it was really nice read I trusted you as my guide.

  • #93586
    Adam Cannon

    I’m looking for feedback on how my pacing sounds

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    • #93668

      I agree with Earthbul. I would like to hear you speed up the pace a bit.

    • #93610

      Is this a piece from a documentary script ? If so I feel the pace could be a bit quicker and slightly less maudlin. I’d have to hear a little more to get a better idea.

      • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Earthbul.
  • #93520
    Mike Koziol

    Getting some practice in on some educational material. Would appreciate any and all feedback.

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    • #94020
      Treva Dean

      Your pacing was good! There were a couple moments where there were odd pauses, though. You paused after “the role of accounting in business” and “the economic performance”, and the pauses interrupted the flow of your words. Maybe focus on keeping the pauses as natural as possible.

    • #93669

      Hi there. Who is your audience? Practice speaking in a conversational way in educating your audience.

      • #93786

        Environmental Management

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  • #93433

    Hey everyone. FInishing my list for my demo. Focusing on audience, glottal stops, and clarity. All notes welcome!

    Coffee mate
    (Yawn) There it is, my best friend in the morning. All I need is the rich and delicious taste of coffee mate to help me be me, every morning. Coffee mate. Coffee’s perfect mate.

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    • #93670

      Nice read! the only feedback I have is to possibly put more emphasis on “rich and delicious taste”

  • #93210

    No activity on this forum all week. Ya’ll producing or what ?

  • #92875

    Any and all feedback appreciated.
    Btw, is the music too overpowering ?

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    • #93588
      Adam Cannon

      Great pacing and diction, I would say you could go a level down on the music

      • #93612

        Thanks for the feedback Adam. I always question music volume on my spots. Listened to your Haunted spot. Would love to hear one of your more conversational reads.

  • #92862

    Practice read. Any and all critiques and comments welcomed and appreciated.

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  • #92859

    A struggle But it was fun

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