Hi everyone! I’m new on here, and to voiceover, and would appreciate any feedback at all you could give me please, as I am putting together my first narration demo. No technical though please as these were recorded on my phone 🙂
These sound great! I’d say the Seinfeld sounded a bit rushed, like maybe it was the first one you recorded and you were nervous about it, but not so much that didn’t still flow well. In the Amelia Earhart one, the inflection on “pioneering pilot” just sounded a little flat compared to the lovely lilt the rest of the sample had. Overall, though, seriously good work!
Hi everyone, first-timer here looking for some creative feedback (no technical notes, pls) as I learn and practice. How are things with my pace/cadence, tone, does it sound authentic/conversational enough? Is the read smooth or choppy? Looking forward to your thoughts, thanks in advance.
-Nice pace, I would just slow down that first word, maybe give yourself a lead in to start.
-Lovely tone! I think you could have a bigger tone shift between the stated problem in the first line and then going into the solution.
– you have a nice empathetic voice here, keep the empathy and add some more brightness to it, you are giving someone something that could really improve their quality of life. The end is a little choppy.
– I think your tone and pace are good here I think it just needs to be a bit more conversational. Try to have a very specific person in mind who you are talking to and telling about this awesome new mascara you just started using.
Hey Everyone! I am brand new to all of this and looking for some feedback. I went to a past script reading contest and used the following prompt to make and post my first ever voice recording. I did not read or listen to the winners of this contest as I wanted to have my fresh take on it and get a feel through your feedback if I have decent instincts as to direction. Also, I would love some feedback on my voice in general and if voice acting could be worth pursuing. Please point out any changes in audio quality I need to make if my setup sounds terrible. Thanks for taking the time to listen. The prompt is below.
Voice Direction:
This is a simulated audition for American Life Investment. We want a voice actor who doesn’t sound like a voice actor. We want someone who sounds absolutely real, like a regular person without polished speech, who is charismatic and will prompt a listener to watch our video, without sounding like a spokesperson or a sales person. Feel welcome to ‘warm it up’ and sound spontaneous without straying from the script. This is the first in a series of 18 videos, each between 2 and 11 minutes in length. We use Edge Studio to cast and record.
There’s no better time than now to take control of your financial situation. Because choices you make today have a direct impact on the quality of your future. That’s why “American Life Investment” brings you this, “My Retirement Planning” video.
This is a solid read! I agree with what Brian said above about the pauses, and I’d add that it could use a little more “excitement”. The direction notes say they want a “charismatic” read that will get people to watch the next video, so a little more energy wouldn’t be amiss here. Well done!
Hi Shay. Nice voice! When you are reading a script make sure your cadence is smooth and you are not adding comma’s to the script where there are none. In the first part of the first sentence you have a pause in between “No” and “Better”, same thing with “Control” and “Of”. On the next sentence the word “Because” is rushed more than the rest of the sentence. (This is something I have been working on as I tend to do this too). Your audio quality and setup sounds good! Keep it up!
Good evening everyone! I have an e-learning sample here. Couple questions for you all.
1. Does it sound conversational?
2. Is my pace good or do I sound choppy?
3. Am I cutting off any words or do any words sound goofy? 🙂
I appreciate any info or advice that you have! Thanks so much!!!
This reply was modified 11 months ago by Brian Lakes. Reason: I uploaded the wrong file
Hi Brian, I’m totally new here so just developing my critical ear, lol. Love your voice – pitch /timbre and I thought pace sounded pretty good too, though maybe could benefit from slowing down a tad perhaps? The only little thing I could pick up on was what sounded like a period after “history”, whereas I think maybe it was the first in a list..? “…history, mission, vision and values…”
A great read though!
Hey Treva, I liked this read and to me it sounded nicely conversational, especially “let’s get started!” at the end. I think maybe I could hear a few nerves? (Not sure!) but to be expected when we’re new to this!
Good reads! For the Chobani one, there’s a pause right after “rule” that disrupts the flow. There’s also an emphasis on the word “be”, when it seems like emphasis on “couldn’t” or “delicious” would make more sense given the text. You’re doing great!
Hi Treva!
Nice read. I would slow down just a bit with the sentence that starts “Contrary” as that sounds fast and let the “Wellbeing” make it self heard. Keep up the great work!
Hi y’all! Looking for creative feedback (no technical please, just recording on my phone) on two potential copies for my commercial demo. I’d love feedback on pacing/tone variations and I’m working on making sure everything flows together and doesn’t sound choppy or too pause-y when I read. Thank you so much!
Trivago- Nice read, very fun and casual
“Alright Trivago” kinda sounded like a lead in, but I assume it’s supposed to be part of the commercial, in which case I would use lead in so you’re on from the beginning.
“and trivago my friends love to party” can be smoothed out a bit.
I think because there is so much of oooh what about this and oooh what about that in this commerical copy it would be helpful to do a few different lead ins for different parts of the script (and then just edit out the lead ins) to help with variation from the ocean views to massage to partying since they are all very different vacation options.
One other thing which is an easy fix, at one point you say “and Trivago” then goes into the parting bit but on “and” I’m not hearing the d on it, so it sounds like “in Trivago”
Indeed- Also nice read, really nice tone.
I think you can slow down those first 3 words they go by really fast. I’d just add a few extra vowels to the first word to help elongate it. I would take a slight step off how much you’re emphasizing the different words in the your mom has made it her job to find you a job bit. It’s definitely makes sense to put some emphasis, its a funny part of the script the word job is said like 3 times, but you can reel it back just a little. Lastly, I would do more of a tone shift from the first beat of the script(no job, move back home, moms in your business) to the second beat of Indeed has a solution, maybe brighter, happier, more of a smile. You state the problem, now here is the solution.
Great job! Take whatever was feedback helpful and leave the rest!
I agree about maybe adding a smile to your read, to pep it up a little. I also think it would be good to focus on which words *need* to be emphasized. At one point you were saying you’d tell the listener to pause so they could walk to an area, and the word “walk” was emphasized. My coach has been on me about this, so that’s probably why it stood out, lol.
I think this was really nice! You had a lovely tone, and a really nice pace. My only thoughts were that I would slow down “Welcome to Gordan College” just a little, especially the first word but just a bit. And I would add a little more smile to your tone, just make it a little brighter. But it was really nice read I trusted you as my guide.