Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #95771

    Hi everyone. Doing the demo practices and coaching sessions. Please give a listen and some constructive feedback if you have the time. I look forward to the feedback. Also, the audio seems much more quiet in MP3 format than the initial recording. If you find the recording to be too quiet too, let me know and if you have any useful tips I’m all ears. Using audacity with a Scarlett Solo 4-gen and a Rode NT-1 mic. Thank you all for your time.

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    • #95973

      Hi, JamesB! Your voice is nice and works well for both scripts. However, it does sound as if you’re reading the scripts in some places-particularly in the first half of the Principal script and in the Quicken one, too. I agree with Terra Ashe that more energy in your tone/delivery would probably help. Keep up the good work!

    • #95948
      Terra Ashe

      Principal- You have a lovely voice! I think this script needs a more excited tone in the beginning. Your tone now tells me this Ron is sad and we are doing him a favor. but the words tell a different story, “Ron has been looking forward to March since last march” and now its March so it’s time for him to solve your problem!

      Quiken- Loved your “How easy is that” button!, Small thing but I’d try recording a take without the pause between some people-Like. Also your energy is pretty similar through the entire thing, try having a bigger tonal/energy shift from “some people are crazy and do it themselves” to the “but you aren’t that person you want an easy to use solution like quicken”

  • #95741

    Hi, everyone! I’d really love some feedback on whether these two reads sound conversational. Thanks so much!

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    • #95775

      Hello Artist7! Of the two, I think Discover Publishers was perfect. It had the right mix of conversational sound and high energy to catch my attention for such a short spot.

      The Handcrafted Coffee sounded like a smooth read, the right sound that would catch my ear for coffee. To me, the lack of pauses keeps it from being conversational. I think it’s a 30-second spot and you managed it in 22 seconds, which is impressive. I think you could afford to add a few pauses and stretch it out to 30-seconds and that would make this one sound conversational.

      • #95975

        Thanks for the feedback-I really appreciate it!

  • #95715

    Any feedback would be appreciated. Especially on sound quality. Thanks

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    • #95776

      I agree with Artist7. Your voice sounds perfect for this commercial. It is just a little “flat” of delivery to me, and that is keeping it from being conversational to my ear.

    • #95744

      Overall read is good including sound quality. Would try to make it sound just a bit more conversational.

  • #95642

    Southwest Airlines Jamaica Office

  • #95626

    Hi everyone…just practicing!

    Creative feedback only please! No technical feedback please!

    How is my diction? How is my pace? Do my reads sound conversational?

    Please let me know…thank you!

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    • #95777

      The Apple commercial sounds conversational to me. The diction is very good aside from a missed the splosive “p” on “specifically” but that is the only minor diction thing that caught my ear. Good job.

      The Bed Bath and Beyond commercial sounds conversational except the pacing is a little fast. Diction sounded good to me. Again, good job.

  • #95625
    Brian Lakes

    Hello everyone!! I am looking for an accountability group. Are any of you in one? Is it beneficial? I live in Colorado and would love to be part of one or start one with someone. I look forward to hearing from you all! You can email me at [email protected] if interested.

  • #95581

    This is my Homework for vo narration coaching.

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    • #95778

      I didn’t see a response on here, and due to the date this is probably a little late but here it is anyways. I think you nailed it. That sounded perfect for a Corporate Training Video. I liked the pacing and your delivery was clear. Good Job.

  • #95329

    It has been quite sometime I had done anything with the feedback form. So I just did two commercial recordings and hope for some feedback. I need to get more focus on my goals more often and get out there more. I would really appreciate the feedback, it will be very helpful to me in the future and will make more of an effort to do so more often.

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    • #95518
      Terra Ashe

      Pizza Hut: I would combine the energy of the first take with the pace of the second take.

      4kidsTV: Slow down on the first couple words I had a hard time catching what was said, you could also give some more emphasis to the adjective “more”
      Maybe give yourself a lead in to this, remember you are talking to kids so really bring it to life, you are still giving info so it doesn’t need to be crazy but you can bring some more energy to it.
      Nice read though, I definitely think you have a good voice for stuff marketed to kids!

  • #95316

    The first few times I recorded this, I went way too fast. This seems to be a tendency. I would appreciate any feedback on pacing, tone, or anything else. Thank you!

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    • #95516
      Terra Ashe

      Your tone and pace is lovely I think you can have some more variation from the first half problem being stated part to the second half of we have a solution. A lot of mouth noise and I would give yourself a lead in to help get into it. But nice read!

      • #95520

        Thank you for the feedback. This is helpful!

  • #95314

    This is my first submission to the feedback forum. Any feedback is appreciated. I am most interested in my pacing, diction, and if my delivery is choppy. I have a decent recording setup. I am using Studio One with a Shure MV7X mic. I’ve uploaded a wave file but you can also listen on SoundCloud (private link) if you’d rather not have a file download. Thank you!

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