Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • Author
  • #92842

    Once again recorded in the car lol any and all comments or critiques are welcomed and appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Earthbul.
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  • #92801

    Happy new year, everyone! For these practice reads, I’m working on avoiding up-talk and shortening the pauses between lines to keep the flow sharp and engaging. Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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    • #92839

      I really both of these reads. You kept me engaged with a quick pace and great enunciation. Nice spacing in the edits. Really clean sound as well.

      • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Earthbul.
  • #92715
    Joseph Thompson

    I’m working on material for my demo and need some input on how believable, relaxed and comfortable I sound. Is my diction clear enough, and do I enunciate so that all my words can be heard? Thanks for taking the time to give me some constructive feedback.

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    • #92840

      I have to agree with the others. A bit choppyand breathy. Could benefit with a quicker pace. Love the accent brother.

    • #92804

      Hey Joseph, you have great diction here. I understood everything perfectly. I agree with mike about breaks between words, especially in your Brinox read. Great reads!

    • #92759
      Mike Koziol

      Hi Joseph, You have a strong voice and solid enunciation. I found that your tempo was a bit choppy with long breaks between words. Sounds like your commas in the sentences are over emphasized.

      Hope this helps.

  • #92645

    Trying one more time since the Upstart one is a bit distorted now (seems to have happened after reducing the file size – hence I’m not familiar with the tech yet) 🙂 Hopefully this one works!

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  • #92643

    Looks like the third read didn’t upload with my post so adding again here, thanks!

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  • #92640

    Hi everyone, for these practice reads I’m focused on narrative corporate video scripts. Any feedback on technique is much appreciated (pace, achieving a conversational tone, etc, or anything you have comments on; apart from tech since I have yet to dig into good mics and editing :)! I would also be curious which of these folks like best overall. Thank you!

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  • #92615

    My submission for this weeks contest “Committee for Cleaner Elections”
    Any thoughts ?

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    • #92805

      I really like how you emphasized each thought. This feels fitting for the adverts I see like this

    • #92714
      Joseph Thompson

      I like your pacing and your tone, but your voice sounds a little too “whispery” to be convincing that you’re a political pundit trying to get me to shift the way I approach my politics this election season. Great voice though!

  • #92604
    Emily Gauthier

    Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday!

    Here are some new takes I did today. I kept blurring “or vinegar” on my takes for Promist, so please let me know if those words are clear in this recording. Any other advice is really helpful!

    I appreciate everyone of you who has commented and given advice on my previous posts! Thank you so much!

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    • #92610

      You’re voice and recording quality are top notch. Vinegar was just fine on Promist. While I really enjoyed both reads I felt that if the pace was a just a little quicker on the JC Penny spot it would make it a billion times better. Keep up the awesome work.

  • #92352
    Jillian Sclafani

    Hello all! I don’t have an at home studio so please bear with my audio quality… I am currently working on my diction, keeping a slower pace, watching my “up-talking,” and making sure I don’t sound choppy. I uploaded two of the same scripts for comparison. Any and all comments are welcome, thank you everyone!

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    • #92607
      Emily Gauthier

      Hi Jillian!

      Your pronunciation is very well done! Everything sounded very crisp and clear in both recordings, though the sound quality was not as good as the final.

      I do think I like take 5 more than the final though. It is just a smidge faster, but it comes across as more natural and conversational, whereas the final might be a tad too slow, making it sound more like you’re reading the script. I do also think ADD should be sped up a bit, as right now, while I can hear it very clearly, so much emphasis is put on it that I only remember ADD rather than what the message is trying to get across about it.

      I hope this helps, and keep up the good work!

  • #92350
    Mike Koziol


    Let’s try this again.

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    • #92608
      Emily Gauthier

      Hi Mike!

      Welcome to the edge forum! Hope we can help you give tips and advice to better your voice! It’s nice to have you.

      You have a very knowledgeable-sounding voice, which I think lends itself nicely to this piece. However, a lot of your tone stays in the same range, making it more noticeable that you’re reading a piece. I would start with trying to give slight adjustments to your tone by envisioning telling this to someone. When you ask the question, try to think of a memory when you were in a frustrated position, asking yourself “how do I get out of this?” and when you reveal to the listener the solution, remember that relief of when you finally had your problem solved.

      I hope this helps!

    • #92355
      Jillian Sclafani

      What a great voice!! I would say to maybe work on your diction as some of the words get a little lost, and pause a little less between words within sentences so there is a better flow. Other than that, you sound awesome!

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