Feedback Forum

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  • #15468
    David Goldberg
    Edge Studio Staff

    The Edge Studio Feedback Forum is the best place for you to post a recording and get feedback from the community! Record in your home studio, upload the file, and see what people think. This is a great place to get some advice on your technique, on your home studio, or to ask for people’s opinion on your reads. Remember, that this is a community forum, so please remain positive and encourage your peers in helpful ways. If Edge Studio feels that a user is too negative, or antagonizing other members of the community, they will have their posts deleted, and risk being banned from further communication. 

    Stay positive, listen to each other, and have fun!

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  • #79954

    Hello! Would love some input on this file — mainly looking for input on the audio quality not so much performance. Right now I’m just focusing on how my voices sounds, background, etc, to see if I need any home studio improvements – if you’re tech-savvy enough to help! Thank you!!

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    • #80023

      Hi AJS10, wouldn’t necessarily call myself an expert but listening closely to and the audio sounds really clean to me! Didn’t hear any extraneous noises in the background at all.

  • #79922

    Hello gorgeous people!

    Wanted to post a couple takes from practice this week. I’m working in my coaching on varying my sound and tone for different types of commercials, using pace in a way that makes sense for each script. I’m also still working on developing my spanish language scripts! If you speak spanish or have an ear for it, would you take a listen?
    Keep in mind I’m still only recording on my phone and not looking for technical feedback! Thank you!

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    • #80028

      Really liked your pace and tone for Nike. Purina was a lighter tone in comparison and started well, would have loved to have heard more of it to see how you played it out to make a better assessment. My apologies as I can’t really give feedback on Spanish Allstate but the tone and energy was definitely different!

  • #79919

    Would love some feedback on these two recordings.

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    • #80188

      The voice was pretty good though I wish you can slow down a little. If there pauses in the script it will help but otherwise good job

    • #80122
      Silver Wit

      Love your voice, but I feel like you’re rushing through the script. Your celeb read was good, but I’d say slow down a little and give the material a pause every now and then.

    • #80059

      You have a wonderfully unique voice! For the celeb one.. perhaps emphasize a different word in the second sentence because “what if” stands out twice in a row.. On a different note, I bet you would sound great on cooking related scripts!

    • #79937

      For Excedrin, I would say to slow down. The pacing was pretty fast and I jarring. Felt like one big sentence. Plosives weren’t noticeable so that’s a plus!

  • #79906

    Hello again! I really appreciate this forum for the feedback I’ve received so far and learning from simply listening to you all work! Hoping to comment some more soon to try to be a modicum of helpful.

    Would love some feedback on these to take into my next coaching session. Much thanks!

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    • #80060

      I have to say, I genuinely enjoyed your voice! I loved the Cosmos one! I felt like I was listening to an intellectual engaging college professor in a lecture hall at a small boutique college. I also like the way you added emotions to the words in the the jazz one.

    • #80030

      I enjoyed both these reads. The enunciation and pace were good and the tone(s) were engaging and felt appropriate for each piece.

  • #79890

    Another order from the boss (meaning my coach). I picked these two out myself to try to practice being a character without obviously affecting my voice. There’s a little vocal effect there in terms of accent in the “I Am Anxiety” read, but I hope it’s subtle yet distinct enough from my “normal” voice reading the tag at the end. I wanted to do an English accent for the former, since it’s all about fantasy, but I felt 1) the accent would be too obvious a vocal change and 2) the artist who designed the product being talked about is an American who primarily illustrated for American products.

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    • #80189

      I like the first one because your voice is telling a story which is pretty accurate so the tone was just fitting for this nice job

    • #79910
      Nikka Kowidge

      Love it! Great reads and vocal range. The anxiety character was excellent, the way you hit the consonants at the end of words and used a staccato for the lists really made me feel the anxiety! I also really appreciated the shift into the “info” voice at the end.

      The Franklin mint one was also great. I loved the vocal tone. This read was long and technical, maybe it could benefit from a little more variety in tone or pacing.

    • #79899

      I really enjoyed I am Anxiety! I would say that the pacing could’ve been a bit slower but I liked the character a lot! It sort of sent my mind into a spiral which was AWESOME! Fantastic read overall.

  • #79883

    Hi All,
    I welcome your feedback on my pace in this VO. Recorded on cell phone, so no need for technical notes. Does this sound conversational? Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts.

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    • #80190

      I like how your voice sounds very mysterious but yet informative and the tone sounds good very nice

      • #80206

        Thanks very much for the helpful feedback!

    • #80032

      I liked the pacing and enjoyed this read. It felt like the opening of documentary…and somehow the cell phone sounded like the actual distress call you were referring to was playing in the background and only lended to its authenticity! LOL

      • #80207

        Thanks very much for checking out the VO and taking the time to send me some feedback! I actually found an audio clip online of the “Julia” sound and I played that in the background. All the best, R

  • #79875

    Good Evening,

    Looking for some feedback on a couple samples for an upcoming commercial demo. Inflection, pacing, and if I sound human or more robotic is helpful. Thanks!

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    • #80123
      Silver Wit

      You’ve got a great voice, but I feel like you could’ve put a bit more emotion behind your Mountain America read. Your voice sounds warm, but I wanted to feel warm, if that makes sense.

    • #80034

      Good Reads! These are good spot choices for you. Would have loved to have heard a smile from you at the end of Mountain America to just drive it home.

    • #79956

      Hello! Not sure if you’ve already recorded this demo but thought I’d give some feedback! Re: Stihl: Really good read. I think if in the booth the main thing that would come up/be re-done is the way you say “three” in the beginning. It seems to go a little high. Mountain America is another great read… I’d only suggest adding a smile when you’re saying “A smile” in the beginning. I couldn’t really “hear” a smile from you. Overall… awesome job and I think your demo is going to be great… good luck!

      • #79990

        Appreciate the input, I’ll work on both! And demo is next month. Thanks again!

  • #79865
    Silver Wit

    Hello all! I have some recordings for my second commercial assignment that I’d love some feedback on. (part 3)

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    • #80036

      The Tire spot sounded the best overall in tone, pacing and clarity. Very natural! (I think the disclaimer gets sped up if needed in post, though you can clearly do fast! LOL)
      Really liked your tones for Crayola and Beringer. I would say just to be careful as some words sounded rushed rather than inflected, and then got lost. Tennessee Whiskey felt a bit disconnected – it’s anthem writing style not the most conversational to begin with. Maybe you can try responding to someone asking the question “But where are you born from?” to see if that might help the flow of it.

  • #79860
    Silver Wit

    Hello all! I have some recordings for my second commercial assignment that I’d love some feedback on. (Part 2)

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  • #79855
    Silver Wit

    Hello all! I have some recordings for my second commercial assignment that I’d love some feedback on.

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